Oh well, it was worth it to at least try. You live and learn
Fitst, a few general deck building guidelines:1) Stick as close to 60 cards as possible, with multiple copies of the most important cards. This helps make sure you see your good cards in most games.2) Include lands that produce multiple colours of mana. This helps make sure you can play your cards most of the time. Sucks to need {W}{W} with only a basic Forest and a basic Plains out.3) Pick cards that are relevant to your gameplan. 90% of the time, a card that's a result of "what if ..." is not necessary, and only a fraction of those are Sideboard worthy.Now, a few questions for this deck in particular:A) drakeraenes asked already, but I'll ask too. How do you want to go infinite?B) What are your budget and / or format limitations?
But that would cause an infinite loop, resulting in a game draw. Sadly, with the way Vanishing works, Solemnity is a bad idea.
This is true. Don't know why I didn't see the anti-synergy :|
I ran them together when Omnath was Standard legal. Along with Nissa, Vastwood Seer and Gaea's Revenge with a ton of land ramp :D
Aetherflux Reservoir is a way to win without needing to attack.
By my calculations, the infinite mana is only of the type(s) the forest that Utopia Sprawl is enchanting can produce as Utopia Sprawl will be set to blue to pay for untapping the Elf with Freed. Sprawl on a basic Forest will result in infinite green mana, while Sprawl on Breeding Pool / Temple Garden will infinite in a combination of green and blue / white. I feel a permanent (preferably a creature for CoCo / Chord to fetch) with "pay x: draw a card" would help with consistency. All the creatures I can find that do this require blue, so Breeding Pool is prime target for Utopia Sprawl. Azure Mage - Instant speed draw.Dimir Guildmage - Only Sorcery speed, but can be turned on the opponent, making it an alternative win once the infinite mana is online.River Hoopoe - Instant speed draw and life gain.Kefnet the Mindful - Instant speed draw, the land bounce is optional, and it's a 5/5 indestructible, flying beat stick.Shapers of Nature - Instant speed draw. Can also make any and all of your creatures infinitely large.
Muktol pretty much covered the stuff for the Illusion play. If going the time counter route, Paradox Haze is a must. Reality Strobe and Epochrasite are worth considering for the time counter idea.
Chandra, Flamecaller + Omnath, Locus of Rage = 6 damage a turn. Sure, Chandra's 3/1 elementals don't trigger Omnath when they're exiled at the end of your turn, but that normally means they went unblocked. If they do block, unless the blocking creature has 0 power, the token will die and trigger Omnath.
Paying two mana for a 4/3 comes with drawbacks. Question is, are you willing to deal with / accept the drawbacks? I still feel it's too soon to know what Standard is going to be like in the months to come. The void left by the decks lost to rotation haven't been filled completely, so it's difficult to judge just how bad the Scoundrels drawback is. For now, Glorybringer is probably my biggest threat as it exerts to kill my creatures. Cut can deal with it easy, limiting the amount of creature I lose to it .
FYI, Zada's copied spells, or most spell copy effects for that matter, do not count towards Storm. Storm only counts cards cast, and copies normally aren't cast. There are a few exceptions to this rule. One in particular is Isochron Scepter, which specifically says you cast the copy. But the vast majority of copied spells do not count towards Storm. Similarly, if a storm card gets copied, the copy won't make more off its own Storm as you didn't cast it. Storm (When you CAST this spell, copy it for each spell CAST before it this turn.)
Which means "Oops, All Gideons!" can be an actual deck now. Now I want to make an all Chandra deck...
Doesn't the new "Legendary Planeswalker" rule allow you to have multiple Chandra out? I ask because you're not using my favourite Chandra: Chandra, Flamecaller ;pAlso, you only have 2 {X} mana spells? I thought they'd be top priority for Neheb's postcombat ability.
My biggest problem with Vraska's Contempt is it costs 4 mana. While slower (sorcery vs instant), Never (Never // Return) is, imo, a better option to Vraska's Contempt.
Actually, having two Bellowing Aegisaur removes the need for indestructiblility in the combo. Just switch your Ballista triggers between the two and they'll put +1/+1 counters on each other. Thus keeping it 4 cards. Cast Out is too strong to not include in the 75, but it doesn't need to be mainboard. Vraska's Contempt could be moved to Sideboard too, unless you're expecting a ton of Walkers that your dinos can't smash. Savage Stomp is good as it's another source for a +1/+1 counter, synergising with Winding Constrictor too. Red also opens up sideboard options like Sweltering Suns. Nuke the board for 3 AND get a bunch of Enrage triggers.
I know it's out of colour, and is a 4th card for the combo, but Tilonalli's Skinshifter could help. Attack with Tilonalli's Skinshifter and Bellowing Aegisaur to turn the Human into the Dino, then just alternate the Balista pings between the two. Thanks to Ballista's ping effect being instant speed, you can even do this before the declare blockers step. Also, you could use fight effects as your removal as the Enraged will trigger.
Biggest problem I have with Banners Raised is it takes up a spell slot. Contested War Zone takes a land slot. You want your spells to be one of two things: Cheap burn (3+ damage) or cheap goblins. (this is just my opinion).
With your low curve, you could run 18-19 lands. I'd also drop Simian Spirit Guide as mana should not be a problem, and Howl of the Horde as you don't have that many spells to copy. Then I'd double up on the Bushwhackers with Reckless Bushwhacker and fill the rest of the deck with Goblins like Tattermunge Maniac and Goblin Wardriver and / or a few more burn spells like Collateral Damage or Shard Volley. Contested War Zone isn't a bad idea. Teetering Peaks is another option. Though I wouldn't go with more than 2 nonbasic lands, you need that {R} from the land asap.
I'd drop the number of Scepters and Keys to include more finishers, specifically something bigger than Kitchen Finks. Remember, you're effectively a control deck, but not a reactive control deck. So you need something big to finish games quickly, without relying on you to reactively protect it. While kitchen Finks isn't bad, it is vulnerable to a large amount of removal that can be played before you get a chance to remove the lands. I'm a little biased, but Stormbreath Dragon is a strong finisher. Protection from white means no Path to Exile, 5 cmc means Abrupt Decay and Fatal Push are off the table, and 4 base toughness means it must be double bolted. Thragtusk is another good option as it needs to be removed twice.
Firstly, filling out the Description, How to Play, and tags will help in getting people to actually like and comment. Without them, how are people supposed to know what your overall goal is? Or what would be appropriate recommendations?I only clicked on this because of its name and colours matching one of my favorite decks: Ponza. While this is obviously not a Ponza deck, I do have a few suggestions from my own tinkering with Liquimetal Coating. Firstly, we want to increase the chances of getting Liquimetal Coating or similar effects. You're already part way there but using Ancient Stirrings, but you mat want to include 2-4 copies of Myr Landshaper too. Next, ways to actually use the artifact alteration effects. Ancient Grudge should be 4x, it's too good to not use. Splinter exiles an artifact and all cards with the same name from that card's owner's hand, graveyard, and library. Splinter is worded in a way that as long as the targeted card is an artifact, it doesn't matter what type the others are. Oxidize is a better Smelt, and both being 1 mana Instants makes them both worthy of 4x. Lastly, while efficient land destruction is a strong control factor, you still need a way to win. While creatures that destroy artifacts will be first on the radar because of the Liquimetal Coating interactions, I personally see that as a trap. Taking a page from Ponza, efficient beat sticks are more important than interactions with Liquimetal Coating. Being a Ponza player myself, my first choices would include Obstinate Baloth; Stormbreath Dragon; Thrun, the Last Troll; and maybe Kitchen Finks.
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