you're mana costs get too high drop some of the higher cost creatures such as kiki jiki, krenko, or ib halfheart, drop the warren instigators as well as the mogg fanatic. Then put in goblin grenades, as well as goblin warstrikes, low mana cost is the name of the game when it comes to goblins. also add goblin war drivers or goblin kings or goblin chieftains.umm thats a bit of stuff i would change. and finallycheck out my modern death and taxes deck please.
the lich one would work except for one, thing you'd lose as soon as you exchange control because when it comes into play it reduces you're life total to zero so in turn you'd lose after you lost control of it, i'd drop it and leave it at 60 cards for more consistancy.
You don't have umizawa's jitte also perhaps more utility lands and tutorial effects with a few less artifacts add enlightened tutor and add some protection, you don't want to be boned as soon as somebody board wipes ya know check out my modern goblins
I thought of that but it's a modern deck war strike is from beatdown so i used massive raid as a replacement
i like it, it seems neat. How about dropping a plains for another Vault, as well as dropping a guildgate for another devour flesh, removal is key with these kinds of decks. and it never hurts to have a lot of it. umm other than that i'm not sure what i'd change but i'd probobly add more removal. check out my immortality by destruction deck.
Move the bonfire's and cyclonic rifts to your sideboard rather than main board. and replace them with spot removal such as murder or ultimate price.
Well regardless gavony will help out with the late game if you don't happen to win as early as you planned. soo like lets say you have 3 fencing aces out. use gavony now you have 3 2/2 double strikers which are only getting bigger. and that my friend can prove to be fatal. again just a suggestion.
the only reason those basics are there is so that ghost quarters don't become strip mines ya know, as for kessig yeah i could probobly do that. thnks for the comment
naw its not the least popular color, hence why naya exists. ANYWAY i like the concept a lot lol fencing ace now has a purpose! theres a lot of interesting combos in here. and i like it! again i'd suggest some utility lands like cavern and gavony township. ya know but other than that i wouldn't change a whole lot. mind checking out my aurafying experience deck.
umm if its just casual and you have a couple extra hundread dollars present add some more demonic tutors, they're an amazing card theres a reason they're banned/restricted in almost every format.
i like it, well i don't enjoy humans... cuz they beat me... but i digress this is a good deck it looks solid i'd probobly suggest using some utility lands. other than that add a side board too. they're always useful. umm other than that theres not much i would change. mind checking out my Aurafying Experience deck?
awesome from your build i can tell your actually an experienced player unlike a lot of the people on this site. umm i would suggest arbor elfs? ramp never hurt anybody... excluding your opponent... and anyway other than that i can't think of what i would change. it looks solid. check out my aurafying experience deck.
Honestly you could probobly drop the thragtusks OR the huntsmasters since yes they are extremely great cards. but you're deck needs to be as aggressive as possible i'd drop one of the two, (soo you can have some life gain) and replace it with again something more aggressive like flinthoof boars. or another silverblade paladin, even loxodon smiters would be awesome actually now that it comes to mind ya know?
add some dual lands. also interesting deck, i like the combo with fencing ace and the exalted stuff!check out my echoing nightmare deck.
i like it but it seems a little slow anyway tho. umm well droping the bonfires/cyclonics for some spot removal and put the bonfires/cyclonics in your SB would work?check out my echoing nightmare deck?
Awesome deck, in fact its honestly one of the better decks posted recently. i never noticed madcap skills it's a really good card. since this deck is soo agressive its hard to prepare for. maybe add something to protect your creatures from removal so if you have a creature that has aura's piled on it, you don't get ruined by one creature getting destroyed.Mind checking out my echoing nightmares deck?
it seems solid but i would splash a couple more Supreme verdicts maybe some counterspells like syncopate. which shouldn't be too hard to do being it only costs 1 u and X it shouldn't be a problem. anyway nice deck mind checking out my echoing nightmares deck?
it seems interesting for a casual deck. sounds fun to play in multiplayer lol. perhaps a little bit of a control element with cards like thoughtseize and duress etc. to get rid of those pesky counterspells. Mind Taking a look at my echoing nightmares deck?
BUG! Control
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