your right and i think there is one or two more that are very similar.
how many creatures do you normally have out at a time. if you have five or more. you could throw in mob rule( 1R - sorcery - for each creature you control deal 1 damage to target player) and there is another for (1RR-instant- for each creature you control deal 1 damage to target creature or player). i have been working on one that focus more on getting the tokens out burning them to the face and not having to go to combat to win but can if need be.
Bacon42 he can sac darksteel to shrapnel blast.
thanks did notice that
not sure on side board for what i need against the standard meta. help needed.
that would b awesome but i dont think they will give each bant color and awesome one drop aura.
would armed//dangerous work in this
made come changes after testing. main -4 heros. doesnt due what u need it to fast enough. -1 fiendslayer. good but witchstalker puts in more work. +3 fleecemane. needed something quick with hexproof capiblities. +1 witchstalker. is just beter the fiendslayer +2 gifts. need the lifelink and the evasion. sideboard - 2 eidilons. due to putting in more lifelink in the main. +1 feindslayer. just for the monoblack or red matchup +1 charm. for trample and r/g monsters
-1 gate-3 forests-2 plains+2 mutavaults+4 temples
temple gardens and mutavaults would make this a lot better. by giving you more wolves with mutavault and temple gardens give u the forests and plains in one.
ok awesome to see it did good for u.
What about the double strike artifact
i agree it is slower then fabled hero but personal i chose it over FH because of bestow with hero of iroas and putting GB on a hexproof creature. then having a FH and trying to hexproof it. but i use boros for DS if i need it.
ok was thinking that.
not a big fun of relying on something to give hexproof rather then just having it right off the bat. and for the double strike if anything i would put ghostblade in cause i can drop DS on any hexproof creature late game. but i already have boros charm for that if i need it. for instance. T1 Scout T2 Hero T3 Armor and Courage on scout = 5 trample FS T4 anything = at least 5 ddamage T5 Ghostblade for at least 6 damage trample DS = win
if u r wanting to go the double strike route i would swap fabled hero for witchstalker and then swap the ordel for ghostblade eidolon. reasoning being fabled hero is going to once u play him while witchstalker doesnt. FH as heroic while WS gets buffs when oppenet messes with your plans of casting things. for the double strike of FH use GBE which is later game but with having echants on hexproofed creaatures it gets hits big right of the bat. the only thing that swapping those out dosent do better is the 3 DD from the ordel. t and all in all it gives u 4 more creatures to throw down on the board. thaats my opinion.
you might want to look at Wild Defiance it could help this out a lot
i like this deck a lot are you using crypsis more as protection or offense. if u are using it as offense i would suggest the eidolon that cant be blocked.
i would say maybe add fiendslayer because he is pretty much hexproof agaisnt the top decks out there.
i like it a lot. only thing i can say maybe a couple more creatures because it seems that u will have to mulligan a lot to astablish that early game this type of deck needs. check mine out
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