check out mine plz. need help with sideboard...
check mine out
Revamped for BOTGs.
with born of the gods coming out i think this type of deck will see more play and win more due to hero of iroas. for this deck side board lasher and stalker( they are really good but are to conditional). drop the viper when playing auras you want to have either hexproof/shourd or indestrucible so oppenents cant get two of your cards for one or theirs. so in place of the viper put gladecover scout it has hexproof giving it some protection. with auras you want more auras then creatures for this type of deck. having low to mid cost auras. then some draw spells. with your auras u want pump and evasion or something that throws it over the top.(unfliching courge is just that)
what about swaping angelic wall for the gaurds. its cheaper and has flying. yes it wont kill anything and it doesnt have extort. but having a turn 2 4 toughness creature aint bad and it doesnt take from playing reckoner. love the deck ive seen the both strategies of this deck seperately buth never together and i think it is awesome.
you could add Beckon Apparition which is a one drop flying token
and im going to try something very similar to this deck friday, ill post the deck and the results
i agree with the the sideboard for the most part and the amount of removal. for the side you have to watch for the early game of R and R/W, counters U , BWU and UW. for the most part i think your side is solid i would put fade into inquity in there cause you dont have anything for enchantments. and throw 2x vaska in there just for permenant destruc. cause she can take out nyx or the god items like a champ. and give you a win condition.
love the idea of this deck. it might even compete with this decks that are winning the big tournaments. i would add deathrites and swap your devours for more doom blades. and maybe throw slitherheads in for turn one play or swap 1 reaper for a flyer(spector) and i would take the gazes out of the man deck. but i love this deck.
I did put one in for voice though so that it makes more tokens
I thought about it it is cheaper but if I have multiple enchants on one creature with gift and it dies I lose them but with indestructibility I don't and the creature dosent leave the battlefield
Ok I see what ur saying but why would I replace it with. I need something that gets my guys threw their line up.
Ok I made the changes to the deck I think it works a lot better now. Now I have seven capable fleecemanes with the new aura. Please comment on deck and sideboard I'm taking to magic tournament tonight.
Looks good I have something similar. y'all look at hit for me im playing it tommorrow at a tournament.
I dropped the defender for more enchants.
I like fiendslayer but I don't think it's right for the deck. I do like the idea of the god instead of the bow. I like seleysna charm but want to stick to the enchants. Boon satyr is good but I like him in the sideboard for now. And alpha gives he proof to creatures that have hexproof, the blocking thing is cool but form does that but better and scrys. I did take the defender out and put the indestructible enchant inside so that it makes my creatures epic with hexproof. Thanks for the ideas
Horizon Chimera would be nice
not in standard
u have ready though. and u could do gods willing, pay no heed, or something along those lines
love the combo i didnt notice it at first glance but pretty freaking cool
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