i agree with taking the fleecemanes out.
what about the new planeswalker Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
yeah he needs the temples and the shocks
Artisan of Forms and Progenitor Mimic
personal opinion here but i would take out the situtational counterspells and put start up counters. swan song and the new one with scry are good even the one thats a sycopate want a be. also swap dissepate for voyages end just cause of scry 1. i wouldnt throw in baord wipes cause of the guttersnipes. i would put a total of 6 one drop damage spells either jolt(1 damage with scry),shock(2 damage) or electrickey(1 damage overload), have a 10 counterspells of any mana cost but keep the restruictions/ drawbacks to a minium. judges is ok for this but i would just drop it totally and put the u/r chimera( its another win condition if snipe gets killed) and it benefits greatly from this deck. i would run 4 of each charm excpet boros cause it doesnt have a creature removal except give ur guys DS. for sideboard put ur situational counters and wipes. lands run 4 of ur duals. with they way this deck looks ur spells should all ways have 2 benefits not just one either overload, scry, two or more abilitys(charms) or muiltpule targets. remember returning something to there hand is removal it most cases(except enter the battlefeild abilities) and drawing and scrying is always a great thing. and with this much removal and counter they should never get to play how they want but only how u see fit. hope this helps
what about the heroic chick that clones when targeted. or the mimic that makes a clone everyturn.
the trojan horse card would give u some token senergy. and assble the legend would be epic tokens.
personally i would just swap the goliaths cause both the giant and wurm make huge dudes. i would just put two of the lands in replacing two forest.
like ur deck. could u check mine out. http://www.mtgvault.com/cuznflick3r/decks/hexproof-enchant/
lions profit is its a cheap drop cheap monstrous and its hexproof indestruible that makes it unremoveable and u would be able to pill up all the enchantments u want on it. but i see ur wanting to get bonus from targeting the creature and the enchantment.
elite arcanist
I totally agree on the swap for lawmage.
What about the devotion land. Everything u have is 1 devotion to green or more. And what about world spire wurm.
I was thinking that but it would only get 2 or 3 counters at most. So just having defenders makes axe bane that much better
That is true but swan song is still a good idea I rhink
I didn't even think about the bow. Swapped thenm out
And there is a dude that let's u exile an instant or sorcery and re use it
and with the defenders u have caryatid, gate creeper vine, and the druid dude for ramp. and druid helps even more when u get colossus out.
need help for this coming weekend.
i would take out hunt the hunter, cause it only hits fleecemane. and i will look at adding some more.
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