Crack the Earth? R each player sacrifices a Permenant, seems really good for a single red mana!
I see potential for adding a third color unfortunately if I went Abzan I would most likely take out Death's Shadow and run Siege Rhino and Kichen Finks and if I went Jund I would definitely be able to maintain a better shock and removal package I am sure. Lots to think about thanks for the input and I believe atm I work on completing this list and hen branch off considering I am still missing my Goifs and a few other cards.
Ok so I made some changes I did keep the Frim Flayer in the deck simply because I see him as a powerhouse and a threat! Tell me what you think and thank you for the feedback!
Fate Transfer is another way to remove counters from Thing in the Ice. Great deck btw!
Amazing Black Aggro Deck! I love it! I think the only thing different I would do is throw in maybe 2 Demon of Death's Gate for the lols, though he is not needed its cute.
Temur (UGR) Polymorph with Fling seems silly! Use Fetchlands to get a Dryad Arbor (Single in the deck) and use red for token producers like Dragon Fodder, Krenko's Command, and Hoardling Outburst. Blue acts as support, draw, counter magic, red provides creatures, and burn. Green is for your Wurm. Just a suggestion is all.
I began playing at 8 years old not much about the game suprises me. Costs of cards, attitudes of some players, and I have watched as this game has evolved over time. I have taught more people the game and formats than the law could allow, lol. I appreciate seeing other players trying to reach out and aid others in learning the game and other formats
Actually the biggest changes from Modern to Legacy that is the main increase in Prices is the dual lands themself. Legacy is expensive and yes, offers better versions of the same modern cards, Swords to Plowshares can be attained for the same price as Path to Exile, Serum Visions is obviosly overpriced and Ponder, Brainstorm, and Preordain are all vetter canidates as well as lower priced. Legacy has many expensive cards but it seems the highest priced are ypur Lands, Jace, Force of Will, Jitte (Which normally 1 is ran), Stoneforge Mystics, and Sneak Show peices. Not to argue which is pricier than the next because Legacy is the highest priced, but you saod not much transfers over, well Goyf, Snapcaster, Delver, Bob, Bolts, Thoughtseize, Liliana, Batterskull, Decay, Emrakul, Griselbrand, Iona, Elesh Norn, need I continue naming staples from Modern that do transfer. As I mentioned this is a great article to introduce players to a new format. And those who have been playing since lorwyn practically have their modern staples (if they kept their collection). I for one have been playing sonce 98 so card prices do not affect me, I have plenty to go around, so I am not worried about the price. I just mentioned what I believe is fun for me and why I prefer it over another format.
Twin and Storm are by far my favorite of the combo decks, however due to my love of these combo decks I have branched off into playing Ad Nauseum and Breach Reanimator. Combo decks are fun because they allow a player to test their skill on a different level and honestly next to control their is no better way to test this than playong a combo deck. Combo decks require a certain level of understanding on your current meta, how the deck is played, do's and don'ts, and of course best and worst match ups. Modern is an extremely fun format to play and I believe it is better than legacy (yet, legacy storm and renaimator are amazing). I have also played U/R Delver Varient,ls, Faries in the form of U/B and Mono-Blue. I have played Affinity, The Rock, Zoo, Jeskai, Grixis, and Esper Control. I have also played Tron, Doran, 8Rack, Matyr Proc, Mill, Dredge, and well anything but infect as I personally have a strong dislike for the mechanic. Modern allows players to play a format that is so diverse and test skills on a new level. If one can obtain staples for modern over time then their chances to break into or delve into Legacy become easier as many staples carry over. Nicely done and thanks for organizing a page or group project in regards to aiding others in broadening theor horizon.
I like the inclusion of Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver in this deck as you have so many ways to threaten your opponent quite fast. I also believe some number of Torrent Elemental would be kind of cute. With all the Delve and self Discard/Mill this guy could really shine in a deck like this. In a version I have been tinkering with I run something like this, essentially MB Hand Control with the Waste Not Dark Deal Combo, Torrent Elemental is a reoccuring threat that is kind of hard to keep out if play since he is easy delve fodder. Ashiok provides a threat in the form of decking opponents out in longer games as well as stealing opponents threats. Liliana is mainly a tutor but she has late game ourposes if she does ult (rarely happens but with the removal/hand control package not unheard of).Just some few additions that could be potentially beneficial, this is built off my local meta which still sees reanimator decks, red decks, but mainly abzan variants. Torrent Elemental also loves Anafenza as she automatically exiles him and he brings himself to play.Land 244 Polluted Delt4 Temple of Deciet4 Dismal Backwater6 Swamp1 Island3 Evolving Wilds 2 Urborg, Tomb of YawgmothCreatures 53 Torrent Elemental2 Tasigur, Gokdeb FangOther 3 Ashiok4 Waste Not3 Thoughtseize3 Despise4 Dark Deal1 Murderous Cut3 Treasure Cruise2 Liliana Vess3 Bile Blight3 Hero's Downfall2 Crux of FateSB 151 Silamgur2 Murderous Cut2 Drown in Sorrow3 Monastary Siege2 Palace Siege 2 Perilous Vault4 Jorubai Murk Lurker
I would suggest maximizing caves and running a set of temples for the deck would not be a bad idea at all. Even if it brings the price up further investing in land seems to always be one of the best choices throughiut the game as a whole.I would also suggest dropping mana count to 24 to reduce the chance of flooding and mb 3-4 Sign in Blood especially since you will gain 3 life from the prowess trigger on Seeker of the Way.Including a set of Bloodsoaked Champion would be nice especially if your trying to apply pressure as early as possible
I think that is a perfect balance of numbers for removal spells. I like how you just split them all at 3, this allows for an increased chance of drawing them all evenly.
Due to having both Maelstrom Pulse and Abrupt Decay maybe the inclusion of an edict effect like Geth's Verdict over Go for the Throat? Or you could even use Tragic slip due to all the removal it would constantly have an active morbid effect.
I think dropping Garruk to SB and keeping the Spirit Monger is a great call. Bring Garruk in against the control match ups, also SB Liliana Vess, I mean you kill a lot of stuff so you can easily reanimate graveyards. Another great option for you would be Dreg Mangler. I love Golgari (GB) Decks, they are so versitile!
Reaper of the Wilds, I love this card, killing things, scrying, are all great, especially with reusable capsules!
Isochron Scheptor with Surgical Extraction and Extirpate ads for further shenanigans. You could also throw a Haunting Echos or two in for mass removal. Love decks that nueter opponents l, they are so fun. Memorcide is another great nueter card!
Blind Obedience has some great synergy with Royal Assassin and Gideon Jura as the kill/destroy Tapped Creatures and opponents creatures enter the battlefield tapped!
Zoo Decks are fast and powerful but why doesn't any Zoo Decks Play Hellrider? Hellrider seems like the type of creature you would want in a Hyper Aggro Deck like such! Scavenging Ooze is yet another creature in which I would include as he can gain life and battle against opposing Snapcaster Mage's.Just some thoughts I have had in regards to this particular deck.
I would highly recommend using 4 copies of Annex to steal your opponents lands in which you copy Annex and annoy them while bouncing all their crap. Also with Counterspell and Boomerang adding in a few Isochron Sceptars would just be completely bonkers!!!
I can respect that and I believe Groundbreaker is a card nobody would ever exect. Another cool hasty card, Strangleroot Giest, he doesnt have trample, but the Undying makes him an amazing threat!
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