I like the deck however I would probably replace Force of Savagery with Groundbreaker which is a green Ball Lightning. Adding a Thrun, the Last Troll seems pretty good too. Overall those would be my best suggstions for you.
Why not go U/R Heroic with Akroan Crusader, Aquaform, Titan's Strength, Dragonmantle, and some other strive Cards like Hour of Need, Aerial Formation, Rouse the Mob? Just some other cheap budget cards that make U/R Heroic a silly thing
Young Pyromancer would be silly in this deck
I agree, their are so many answers to a Reanimator deck so why not?
Also to further out your reanimator spell I would like to see Modern Legal are as follows:EntombBuried AliveAnimate Dead (on your list but this is my reanimator list)Exhume (this one is fine because it aids your opponent in some way, just sometimes)Dread Return (I think would be fine if unbanned in Modern, especially with Scooze Modern Legal and Goyf)Reanimator decks are extremely strong yes, but they get hated on so much, I mean we have card that are easily sb whicg are as follows:Leyline of the VoidRest in PeaceGrafdigger's CageRakdos CharmScavenging OozeAnd many others!
You forgot to add Glimpse the Unthinkable into the mix for those fans of Mill!
No problem, it is always a pleasure to give advice! I actually like this deck looks fun!
With all the token produce and creatues you could easily get away with running 2 Obelisk of Urd, which will make your army extremely amazing and huge! Nice deck btw! Just name Soldier for Obilesk and 75% of the deck becones extremely threatening
No Problem, I completely didn't realize the cannot be blocked but by flyers! A good sb option would be Skylasher as he combats Delver extrenely well also Mistcutter Hydra!
Basically Stock Market Value with plenty of cheap effective creatures. The Bloodghast nets you a card but no creaure, either way he is essentially free when you play a land!
Stock MarketLands 204 Verdant Catacombs8 Swamp4 Blood Crypt4 Overgrown TombCreatures 244 Gracecrawler4 Bloodghast4 Lotleth Troll4 Dreg Manlger4 Geralf's Messenger2 Tymaret, the Murder King2 Jarad, Golgari Lich LordInstants and Sorcerys 124 Lightning Bolt4 Abrupt Decay4 Ghoulcaller's ChantEnchantments (the reason for the deck) 44 Necromancer's StockpileSB 153 Golgari Charm3 Leyline of Sanctity 3 Extirpate2 Liliana of the Veil2 Torpor Orb2 Maelstrom Pulse
I love the combination of Jace Beleren and Liliana of the Veil it is extremely good, especially with Liliana's Caress! Sure Dictate is also great but Jace can also Mill and grind your opponent out as an alternate win? Ashiok is quite silly tok, especially in Modern. I used Ashiok ended up winning off of 2 Goyfs that wrre 5/6's!
No problem and I understand that concept, basically trade up with Fauna Shanan. What about Gladecover Scout 1/1 Hexproof elf? And maybe Rancor?
I actually created a Stockpile Deck and it is pretty cool. It uses Tymaret and other zombies so ya, it seems pretty cool. My deck is notstandard though
Jund Stockpile, you get more Green/Black Zombies!
Bloodghast just seems a little bit better than gravecawler in this specific type of deck and/or the both of them would be fine, I think the haste part of Bloodghast just makes him a better fit!
First off how doesn't Lightning Bolt fit a theme of budget, it is one of the cheapest cards and easiest ones to obtain. Secondly, sure the good Niv is pricey and doesn't fit the theme, I will give you that, however Lightning Bolt is easily affordable, as is Vapor Snag, that is two cards that not many people do not have and that are affordable. Just some suggestions and no they wont break anyone's budget. I have yet to meet a single player who plays ona budget and does not own a set of Snags and Bolts.
I find the lack of Lol Trolls in this deck disturbing. Great deck either way, just think the good old Troll is something you would want to add in, maybe even go for a G/B Dredgevine Aspect and throw in the Death's Shadow combo!
Master Biomancer and Chasm Skulker are best of palls, just a suggestion. Nice deck btw!
Needs Lightning Bolt, as Lightning Bolt is arguably the best burn spell in existence. Adding a second Melek over Niv would probably be better, Vapor Snag over Voyage's End, including Wee Dragonnauts and/or Nivix Cyclops adds more Devotion for 1 more mana more than your Kiln Fiend. Niv-Mizzet the Firemind would be better than Dracogenious, especially since you can run Ophidian Eye or Curitosity for infinite Damage. Plus Curiosity on a Guttersnipe adds for some good times and plenty of draw. I like the deck either way, just some helpful suggestions to consider!
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