While Casting Epic Experiment for 5+ just hit a Trauamtize targeting yoursef then after everything else resolves recycle with Psychic Spiral, Seems pretty Legit, especially if you traumatize yoursef twice and hit a single Spiral, I like it, no wait..... I love it!
I like the idea of MB Cartel Aristocrat with Xathrid Necromancer and Atheros! I also like the idea of High Priest of Penance with Atheros since it is a nonland permenant kill spell on a stick!
Phantasmal Image is a must in this deck, as is Mutavault! I highly Recommend adding them into this deck, the Phantasmal Image is ideal to copy your Lord of the Unreal! I played an Illusion deck when it was standard and it dominated, only difference is Mutavault was not in the deck but I had my set ready for casual games. Love the deck!!!
I would MB 4 Heartless Summoning and some copy cat cards to copy your Titans, thus making the Titanfall faster and extremely lethal!
I think he is referring to Nicol Bolas AKA Smaug, lol
Agreed, the Gods are building blocks to strategies. I love using Erebos in a deck that has Devour Flesh. Devotion is a great mechanic however I went more of a control route with mono-black and later added blue making the deck Blue/Black control. I cut the Gods all together but utilize Ashiok, Jace, and Aetherling. Elixir is a 1 of in the deck, I use Far // Away Essence Scatter, Doom Blade, Hero's Downfall, Thoughtseize, Psychic Strike, and Pilfered Plans. I found in my local Meta Essence Scatter is an amazing 4 of in the deck because I run into a lot of creature heavy decks and Control is slow against them, however removal and straight counters work great, another reason for the deck disruption.Personally I believe the Gods are unique and provide a unique take on the format and are great additions. In some ways I would not mind seeing a Return to Kamigawa if they made it similar to Theros and added some Gods, however WOTC Promised they would never return to Kamigawa because the set seemed to fall flat I guess.
When you sit back and think about all of the 15 Gods WOTC has created you have to ask yourself are these Gods truly worth their value? I sit back as I play within the Standard Format and ask myself which God is worth running and/or playing? Truthfully Thassa, God of the Sea sees the most play and is MB as a 4 of, Erebos, God of the Dead follows in second as he was once a MB 1-2 of and now a SB 1-2 of, lastly we have Xenagos, God of Revels, seeing play in Standard G/R/X Devotion based decks as a 1-3 of at most. Ephara, God of the Polis, sees some play and I have seen her in Modern Hatebarers and is amazing, but once again you have to be devoted to play these Gods. To some this long winded analysis when one plays around with the Gods it is like playing around Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded (honestly a mediocre planeswalker), you have to ensure you get the best value out of them. The God cards provide their own utility like that of a planeswalker you can make them extraordinary and/or they can remain buried in the memories that they failed to bring. My own opinion on the Gods are that I have my personal favorites yet I do not find myself playing with them to much. I have played around quite a bit with Purphoros, God of the Forge and truly enjoy him. Erebos, God of the Dead is another fun card, however I do not like the loss of 2 life for 1 card at a 2 mana price, I would much rather pay for a Sign in Blood, Night's Whisper, and/or 3 mana for a Read the Bones. Needless to say the Gods can be potentially dangerous and amazing but I believe they are like Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded and fall short of the glory they could have had!!!
Um anybody would, in the case scenario in a control deck and/or a Bant Superfriends it would be perfect, Ajani Draws a card while Jace plays defensively, Kiora works towards her Ult and Elspeth produces dudes. You have access to Sphinx's Rev, D-Sphere, and Supreme Verdict which is all you need. You could Ult Ajani to ensure your opponents cannot win!!!!! It is an easy choice. Now in an Aggro and/or Midrange deck it wouldn't be as relevant but there are plenty of people who would ult him in a heartbeat!
Skullcrack, Flames of the Blood Hand, Leyline of Punishment, Erebos, and Havoc Testical are all silly. And ya that sucks target player gains 100 life that does make Rain of Gore really bad but Everlasting Torment is still amazing!!!!
Ajani is the reason I began playing red black back in the day, I hate life gain decks so much that I used to MB 3-4 Rain of Gore and/or 3-4 Everlasting Torment, this Ajani makes me wish Rain of Gore was still standard or reprinted!!!!
Maybe Genju of the Fens?
With all this extra mana Exsanguanate and Consume Spirit seem really fun!!!
Tezzeret, the Seeker or Tezzerer, Agent of Bolas seem like a funoption in this deck. Maybe even adding more artifiacts because you can!!!
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx seems amazing to help multi-kick Wolfbriar Elemental!
I would personally replace Shambling Remains with a set of Bloodghast and Rotting Rats with Tymaret, this allows you a more frequent reoccurence, as well as another Zombie to ensure Gravecrawler Reoccurence. You can keep Malfegor if you choose and with this build and/or revisions your graveyard reoccurence will be more potent than a 1 turn thing. I would bring Malfegor to a 2 of and bring Faithless Looting to a 4 of. I would consider maybe running 2 Extractor Demon as he can Unearth for 2B and is a 5/5 Flyer. Just some options for you!
Number 1 Gravecralwer, Bloodghast, Tymaret. All of these creatures have a graveyard based reoccurence and after you attack with an unearthed Creature you can chuck it at you opponent with Tymaret
Add 2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, help ramp out that Reiver Demon and Exsanguanate!!!
I actually have one laying around the house, here is the deck list if ya wanna check it out. The deck works amazingly well and gets a shit ton of value.http://www.mtgvault.com/cainthesinner676/decks/tibalts-madness/
Bloodghast seems truly strong in this list as well. With all those high cmc creatures with cheap unearth Avatar of Discord seems like a solid fit too. You could change the theme to an aggro Unearth, Hellbent, Madness deck using Reckless Wurm, Lightning Axe, Gorgon Recluse, and Fiery Temper, Gobhobbler Rats, Infernal Tutor, Jagged Poppet, Demon Fire, and Gathan Raiders! Just some random suggestions, Unearth is a fun mechanic I will not lie, however with cards like Grafdigger's Cage it can but shut down and Scavenging Ooze. I love the deck and maybe Tibalt can find a home in this deck. I truly believe he is or can be a great planeswalker if played around enough, Unearth and Madness cards will love him! Oh, Tymaret, the Murder King could be good in here as well!
Faithless Looting and Tibalt maybe to help thin your deck?
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