I would throw a couple Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch in the deck, so you can give all your crratures with counters Haste!
Bloodghast? Gravecrawler?
Krenko, Mob Boss has a new best friend, Ral Zarek! Your army will get bigger quick trust me it is silly!
Good luck! I am sure your opponents will not see it coming!
I guess SB the Shaman and go from their would be my advice!
I will be Honest I would use Lotleth Troll in modern myself, sure there are plenty of ways to kill him but he is a hard hitter!
Ok that makes sense and hard to argue those results.
Also last suggestion, Gitaxian Probe since it does the same thing as Peek for either 2 life or a single blue mana I would recommend it over Peek. I have played many U/R(Izzet) Storm decks before and simply find them amusing.
Also Wee Dragonauts will work in tgis deck and Gelectrode.
No problem!
Have you considered Kiln Fiend, Or Nivmagus Elementat? Also Epic Experiement. And Manamorphose are fun in storm decks! And Gigadrowse works ratherwell with each creature
I actually like this build a lot, also I would keep the Chalice not only due to it flipping, or heloing against stalemate games, but because Ibmyself like alternate win cons! The deck looks fun! Great Job with making the deck urs, it looks more effective than the alternate version you discussed!
You could use Slumbering Dragon, he does make opponents not want to attack, or Scavenge himon a creature one mana gives 3 counters not bad imo, just some food for thought!
Ajani's Pridemate would be silly in this deck!
I like this deck and I can see it becoming quite popular and amazing!
Blind Obedience has perfect Synergy with your Royal Assassin, just some food for thought!
This deck is annoying Resto-Thag, Resto-Thrag and you were living at 5 life so annoying!
101-118 of 118 items