Neat. Loving the Mindcrank.Find a card or cards that makes a person lose life whenever he or she gets miled and you got your win condition right there!
Ya it feels weird having Blue dominate Aggro...
y u no ethereal armor bro?
Whispering Madness + Psychic Spiral combo.
Mauler what I have to say will hurt but you need to hear it. This is a Beginner's deck. Specifically, it is an expensive "TIMMY" Beginner deck.A "Timmy" is a slang for someone in Magic who likes to play big cards.Each and every last one of these cards are big cards, but they dont really form anything. Yes you can ramp. But while you are ramping, your opponent is dishing out damage.Your strategy, like every "Timmy" player's strategy revolves around this phrase: "Just wait until I get out my X..."In your case, its "Just wait until I get out my Avacyn/Emrakul".Do you know what I can do to you if you tried to run that against, say... My Rakdos Riotry Deck? would kill you in 5 turns or less before you would be able to do anything.I can already hear you say "But Bootsncatsn, I can counter anything you play against me if I draw X card!"That may be true, but thats a BIG IF.For me, that 5 turns or less win condition isnt an IF. Its a PROMISE.Most Non-beginner decks have 2 things in common.1. A solid Land base.2. CONSISTENCY.You notice I run the same 4 cards over and over again. Thats where consistency comes in. While you are waiting to draw that 1 card you need, I've probably already drawn the card I needed 7 turns ago.I highly suggest you look up some guides on how to construct a proper functional deck.Despite my harsh words I want you to know I'm telling you this because I want you to succeed and have fun in the game.Maybe playing a deck like this is what you consider fun, and I apologize if I've ruined it for you.But imagine how much fun you can have if you had a better idea of how to build decks? Anyways, I have some example Ramp decks I think you should check out if you want a better idea on how to build a deck around Ramping. here is a guide I use myself for the most basic deck-building.
LLOOOLLLL!!!! Thats sick!!! omg the frustration of playing against that thing. Im thinking of making a heroic deck around Trait Doctoring. U know, that 1 blue mana cipher card thats practically useless? Its a Heroic Engine along with Hidden Strings. Ive been wondering why it was so over-priced on rarity and I think its because of what it does with Heroic in this block.
cipher hidden strings on it and dimir keyrune pays for itself!
cipher stays on dimir keyrune as long as it was a creature first. :) It stays even when it transforms back.
this deck is really lacking draw not sure if whispering madness is strong enough...
Special thanks to Sway.Hope you see this buddy.
Dood last year I started playing magic and this is the first deck I owned after buying starter decks. TY Memnite.
its almost like Theros was the set the previous sets were prepping for. I guess thats good. Every color has a chance at the top.
Dark prophecy can kill you in this format. I recommend read the bones or undercity connections for card draw.Btw, get moar card draw.Id replace eater of hope replaced with Desecration demons.
HOLY CRAP! Gruul Is taking over the meta! Dat Xenegos! Before BoTG it was all about that blue devotion.
You sick bastard. Well done.Have my Like.
Swap in Mistcutter for some Blue hate Hydra ramping. Heres a copy of the current top deck metagame. DESTROY IT. you have my blessing.
First Blue becomes aggro color now Rakdos is playing control?ITS LIKE IM TAKING CRAZY PILLS!!/willferrel
Think you could give this deck a look?
and do u think u can do a budget deck for each of the guilds?
btw with hidden strings, what use can it have after youve ciphered it? All I can see it tapping 2 creatures with it but that doesnt mean anything when it only triggers after damage.
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