the colored artifact lands (great furace, seat of the synod, etc) are banned in modern.
Yeah, definitely running the full sets of thoughtseize and inquisition in the board. Also excited to see dark confidant do work in this deck. At worst, he's a lightning rod for removal, freeing up your exarchs and pestermites. At his best, he's card advantage that digs you to the combo. Trickiest part of the deck is the mana, as not being able to fetch any shockland with your fetches is rough. I'll have to test it out; I may want to rely more on the m10 lands or filter lands.
Fetch Lands seem necessary to take full advantage of Deathrite Shaman and power out early Zurs and Geists. Can understand if it's a budget decision though.
heh not very well, probably. The G/R tron version has pyroclasm, which is a problem for you I think, but LD is pretty decent against most Tron decks. I played UWR Control in a ptq last year and had 3 Sowing Salts in my sideboard for the Tron matchup. casting that card against Tron is pretty much an auto-win.
I think, with the rise of Wafo-Tapa UWR control, Omen would take too many slots away from the disruption and countermagic needed to ensure that Scapeshift resolves. there are enough mountains in the deck to win
it seems like you might want psychic spiral in this deck. you can cast chronic flooding on your own lands and mill yourself, then psychic spiral. That way they can't play around chronic flooding. It might reqiure a retooling of the spellbase, and you may want more cards with flashback, like increasing confusion to take advantage of the self-mil.l It also can provide an out-of-nowhere win condition
yeah the gargadon is used as a sac outlet, it comes in play surprisingly often in the testing i've done with the deck. matchup seems good against jund, since their hand disruption is actively bad against the deck. The deck as it stands isn't great against the combo decks like U/R Twin and infect. Seems to be about a turn too slow to beat them consistently. I think my change from deathrite shaman, which isn't doing a whole lot, to goblin bushwhacker could change that though, and give the deck about a turn's worth of killing speed. I like Viscera Seer because it's cheap (can enable turn two vengevines if you pitched vengevines with faithless looting on turn one) and can help you find land, as the deck only runs 18.
maybe play black with lab maniac instead for doomsday? pretty devastating combo if they can't answer
I like it, and I've played something similar. I have to say, though, that I like Perilous Myr much more than highborn ghoul for a 2 mana creature. works awesome with birthing pod.
Pierce Strider is actually pretty cool in this deck. It might be one mana too expensive, but once it gets going it could really do some damage. +1
Alright, I'm going to say it.....Delver of Secrets? you have 21 instants and sorceries. But I understand if you don't want to make this a "Delver Deck". He would get a lot of damage through on a turn 2 flip backed up by all your removal, though. I really like the deck otherwise.
I like this deck quite a bit. I think I would definitely make room for Geralf's Messenger, sacrificing him twice to do some real damage to an opponent is a really nice option to have. Also, Murderous redcap can do similar things, although he is slightly less powerful. He can target creatures, though. And of course Phyrexian Obliterator would be perfect at the top of the chain. lashwrithe is a very powerful equipment for a mono black aggro-ish deck to run, as well. It's a threat all on its own thanks to living weapon and can end the game quickly if left unchecked. Just my two cents
thanks for the feedback, really appreciate it. Any changes you would suggest? I've thought about trying to get Wolfir Avenger into the maindeck, but I'm not sure if I should cut anything to make room for him. Been boarding him in for creature-based match-ups
haha thanks! its actually a Standard take on one of the top Block constructed decks from the Pro Tour last week. Glad you like it
I don't know about cutting lingering souls, it provides a bridge to the planeswalkers in this deck and flat out keeps me alive against aggro. I'd like to add at least one more snapcaster, but am not sure cutting lingering souls is worth it. Also, Lingering souls into Sorin puts your opponent on a very real clock and is a fine win condition on its own.
Turntimber basilisk seems to be the weakest landfall creature, so I'd say cut them and add 2 scapeshifts. You don't really want it in your opening hand, so I think 2 might be the right number.
Scapeshift can be an instant win with Ob on the battlefield. Just a thought
hey, thanks. I figure for post-board matchups, board out the anthem effects and board in swords/pikes or other equipment. Hopefully opponents bring in ray of revelation and not ancient grudge :)
I'd at least add some lands that can tap for white, in case your birds or pilgrims die. flashing back unburial rites after a mulch seems pretty awesome, and you want to make sure you're on color
punishing fire is only banned in modern, still legacy legal
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