yeah that's a good point, I'll see what I can come up with. I guess Grave Titan would be the obvious choice
yeah Lotus Cobra is also a route I considered. I do Like Birthing pod though, play it out on turn 3 or 2 even, if you dont mind paying life. Next turn, sac a Llanawar elves for the superion. Lotus Cobra allows for more explosive draws, but is also more fragile than the pod. I'll have to test both methods to see which is better. But I definitely dont think the Pod is too slow, especially in this deck, You could also sac a vengevine for the precursor golem then just trigger the vengevine back into play with a couple cheap elves.
I think this Deck wants Gatekeeper of Malakir. One of the best black control creatures. also, Fume Spitter might be better for this deck than either thopter or memnite. sac it to put a -1 -1 counter on a creature. bye, squadron hawk (in response to sword equip). bye, Lotus Cobra.
I like this alot. Jace TMS would be a good option (if you have access to it) in case you draw your wurms. You could use his Brainstorm to put them back on top of your library. I see you have See Beyond though, so that works as well. Just another option.
hope they dont have creeping corrosion in the sideboard :D
Show and Tell would be a great way to put him (or anything else powerful) directly into play from your hand. Your opponent gets to do the same thing, but odds are what they play won't be as good as Progenitus, haha. Get a way to tutor him into your hand then drop show and tell. Also, Reflecting Pool is a great land for Rainbow Decks, as are the Vivid lands.
add coat of arms for giant zombies!
yeah, tectonic edge is definitely a good idea. Corrupter is for artifact destruction (swords), easy to tutor with Zenith or Fauna Shaman. If I'm ever allowed to untap with her, that is. I plan to board in naturalize or creeping corrosion against artifact-heavy decks like Tezzeret. And Eldrazi monument makes my creatures flying, so technically I do have defense against flyers :P But I'll probably put Plummet in the sideboard. I just don't like Contested Warzone because you lose it when damage is dealt to you. I dont like the idea of losing a land. But it's something to test, since maybe I have enough mana producers that it won't matter.
Probably should add Squadron Hawk, I would replace Kor Duelist with it. Fliers are much more important to have for the Swords than double strikers. Would replace Sphere of the Suns with lands as well. Maybe Celestial Colonnade
Day of Judgment might be worth considering. Following it up with a decent-sized White Sun's Zenith would be devastating. It can also get you out of tough situations. And Eldrazi Monument would just end the game once you got the cat army up and running. I might remove some of the equipments like pennion blade and accorder's shield and play more tempo/removal, such as oust and condemn. Brave the Elements, as someone else mentioned, is also great in a white creature deck. And I really think Squadron Hawk should be here. Pretty nice to have a steady stream of blockers.
yeah I waffled a bit on Warcaller. A great Elf for sure, but I was kind of going for a faster approach. Warcaller is a magnet for removal. Tap out for warcaller, it gets bolted, then where are you? I think this deck has a better mid-to-late game than most elf decks, with Monument and Green Sun's zenith to go get Ezuri or Avenger in the late game (with Monument out, preferably, haha). As for the other suggestions, I would really like to keep the deck standard-legal. I'll have to playtest, if the deck needs some added punch, I'll probably add Warcaller for the Copperhorn Scout.
Cabal Therapy might be nice for a turn 1 discard instead of funeral charm, since you can also cast it from the graveyard by sac-ing a creature. But funeral charm does have other uses as well. Just an Idea.
if you splashed white you could add master's call, plus good spot removal such as oust, condemn and divine offering. oust their dude then counter it when they try to recast it! But I think Master's Call is almost a must in a shape anew deck.
a nice 1-mana blue creature is Enclave Cryptologist. Standard-legal, levels up for 2 mana, and then you can start looting cards for extra draws. Might be more useful then Kraken Hatchling, but just a suggestion. I've got a few decklists built around Grand Architect, feel free to take a look!
thanks, appreciate the feedback. I think you might be right about the number of artifacts. I think I'm going to cut inquisition, though I dont really want to, since its such a powerful card. I'll sideboard it in, I think. and I would really like to stick with riddlesmith. I feel like fauna shaman is just too slow. you have to wait a turn for summon sickness, wait a turn to tutor up the vengevine, and wait another turn to get it in the graveyard. although, perhaps cutting Glissa for the shaman to run both is an option, but Glissa is dominant on her own. Though she can't do much against opposing swords. in any case, I'm at least going to full playsets of thopters and memnites
you could liquimetal coating the slime, then naturalize/shatter it to put it in the vat. I dunno, 3 mana slimes seem like a very powerful combo to me. If you were to go that route, I could see cutting argentum armor for the vat.
thanks, appreciate the comment! yeah I actually meant that playing a dredge-style vengevine deck might be a good play in standard right now, since most sideboards aren't carrying graveyard hate, it seems. I've goldfished some with this deck and it's pretty explosive, 2nd turn vengevines are not uncommon. I actually switched the white to black to run Glissa, which seems like a good move so far, since she can return artifact creatures to trigger more vines.
you know, I was thinking about doing that after I posted this. I might actually switch from white to black though, so I can run inquisition of kozilek (possibly in the sideboard) and evil Glissa instead of stoneforge. I think Stoneforge is the better card, but Glissa's return artifact ability would be awesome in this deck, especially if I end up milling my sword. at the worst, i get back a memnite or thopter that helps trigger vengevine.
Thanks for the compliment! I think this could be tourney-viable. Just need to figure out how to deal with control decks, as I'm not quite convinced how well it will do against caw-blade and the like. I suppose leaving 3 mana up to pay for a leak wouldn't be too hard with this deck, though.
well, the whole idea of the deck is to Vat a Clone with Leyline of Singularity in play to destroy creatures at will due to the Legend Rule. I guess this is designed for more of a multiplayer setting. I like the Sol Ring since its easily tutor-able and provides nice mana accel. and yeah icould play normal counterspells and wrath of god, but I have only been playing for about a year and dont have access to the cards. also thinking about adding Keiga, the Tide Star. Vat her and make two tokens: both tokens die and you get to take two of your opponents creatures. Ha!
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