you have to pay the X cost twice for gelatinous genesis, It's not really that great
All his creatures are spirits. Plus midnight haunting and lingering souls. Not really sure how this deck isn't tribal.
unfortunately I don't think this deck is viable without the "ramp" aspect. Primeval Titan, rampant growth and Solemn Simulacrum are what makes the deck dangerous. 18 land just isn't enough, either. I don't think this deck beats either U/W delver or humans right now.
faithless looting might be better than desperate ravings, you get to discard what you want, it's cheaper to cast, and gives your snapcasters more options of flashback spells
I like corrupter right now with all the equipment-based delver decks running around, at least in my metagame and the larger tournament metagame. This deck was built as pretty much a response to u/w Delver of Secrets decks. And Green sun's zenith allows me to fetch quite a bit in this deck. Thrun, Birds, Corrupter and Acidic Slime can all be grabbed, so I like the tool box Green Sun's Zenith gives me. You might be right about blasphemous act, but I wanted a sweeper to deal with hexproof creatures like Geist of St Traft. Since I already have whipflare, maybe I'll try something else, but I want to playtest this build first. Thanks for the input, I appreciate it
Sorry forgot to specify, trying to keep it standard legal
I like it. I know you want to keep it cheap, but I would really consider adding 4 stifle for consistency in case you don't have torpor orb in play. just 4 more ways to get the Dreadnought out. It's around $15 right now, so I dont know if it's out of your price range for a playset or not, but it would be awesome.
Painter's Servant + Grindstone :)
Pilgrim and Birds ramp a bit, but they might not live, so replacing Elesh is a possibility. However, she is an absolute backbreaker and should easily lock up a game if you have any sort of decent sized token army on board. Currently I think I would board in batterskull against aggro decks. and Elspeth and Garruk are both insane in this type of deck, so I think they'll stick around :) I had Intangible Virtue in the deck originally but the deck is aggressive enough with Crusader and Hero (who already pumps attacking creatures) that i dint think Virtue was needed. I might change back though. Thanks for the comment!
Pretty good, but I might up the land count to 25-26. Snapcaster Mage is awesome but fairly mana intensive, and you want to make sure you hit all your land drops in the early game. I might cut Desperate Ravings, from experience with the card you end up discarding a card you didnt want to discard way too often. between ponder and think twice, your card draw seems sufficient. If you don't want to cut card draw, I would replace desperate ravings with forbidden alchemy. you get to dig four cards deep and possibly put spells in your graveyard that you can flash back with snapcaster. Unburial Rites is a possibility with this deck, as you really only have three win conditions in tthe Sphinx, Wurmcoil and Titan. if one of them dies, you may have trouble finding another bomb. I like the idea of the deck though, definitely makes full use of Snapcaster.
between rampant growth and emissary I will not be color screwed too often. Birds of Paradise is a dead card with Heartless ummoning on board. Judging by FNM and the other tournaments I have played, Enchantment hate isnt too big right now, all I've seen is O Ring and naturalize out of the sideboard. If my opponent O Rings my Heartless summoning, that's one less out he has to Inferno Titan, which my deck can still ramp into pretty nicely, I think.
Palladium Myr can cast him.
I did consider it, although I think sword of body and mind is a bit better. The protection from blue is awesome at making opposing snapcasters useless as blockers. But trepanation blade is good as well
doesnt look bad, but i think you might be a little short on mana. I'd up the land count to at least 25, maybe 26. if you cut preordain and some removal (you have a ton) you could make room for more land. I also think you don't need 4 negates, especially with Snapcaster.
Thanks for the...uh...constructive comment. Anyway, I disagree. This deck wants to ramp into Planeswalkers or essence of the wild quickly, so early game, they are awesome. you can draw cards after playing them if Mentor is on the board, and late game, with Essence, they are 6/6s. I suppose some more aggressive creatures like Mirran Crusader would work as well.
nice deck, but why not run galvanic blast over shock? Sure the metalcraft won't happen often, but it could, and it's still an instant
I think 8 lords is enough ( possibly 12 if i phantasmal image the lord of the unreal)
Dredge also just refers to playing cards from out of your graveyard, or recurring them from the graveyard. There are no cards in standard with actual "dredge" ability, and this is a standard deck. And "recursionpod" sounds lame.
yeah, skirge might be better than student of warfare, now that you mention it. More artifact flyers are definitely a good thing in this deck
nice touch with the noxious revival
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