one more mana producer might put this over the top. I'm thinking either Lotus Cobra or Oracle of Mul Daya, which has ridiculous synergy with Jace. You could forego the duress annd memoricides and play more fetch-lands to really pump out the mana. Not sure if the black really fits. Nice deck, though, definitely has potential.
I also have a deck revolving around grand architect. fun build wiith a lot of synergy between cards. Some suggestions would be steel overseer, which can quickly pump your creatures to massive power. Also, voltaic key is obviously great in any artifact-heavy deck. Trinket mage would also be great. he gives you another blue creature to tap for artifact mana and can summon a chimeric mass, which could instantly be a huge monster, or everflowing chalice to give you all the mana you need. Just a few suggestions :) nice deck
heh just added the doom blades then saw your comment, thanks :)
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