How do you feel about Dragonrage?
Thanks for the comment but I was going for 1-2 mana cost. The higher cost spells seemed to slow this down.
Return to ranks and Abzan Ascendancy makes a brutal combo, I have seen it win tournaments in my local shops. But that is Standard legal.
Liliana's Shade may help. It searches for a swamp and it has an outlet for the extra mana.
How about military intelligence instead of Azure Mage?
Yes it is standard, I prefer my Temur Ascendancy deck. I've only played this at one FNM and I did pretty well. Valorous stance is good, what should I take out?
She's a tutor and discard effect all in one, whats not to love? I have a playset and never play here anyway but the thought of her is great!
Pre combo, I won't play genesis hydra for anything less than whatever combo piece I'm missing. Be it Karametra's Acolyte I'd play him for 6cmc. This deck has two weaknesses, heavy control, and weenies.Kiora's follower was in the deck but the blue wasn't consistent enough.Thanks for the Like!
I seen an Abzan deck exploit Return to the Ranks, it might fit in sideboard against the board wipes.
With the low mana cost creatures, you don't think you will need a draw factor? Raiders' Spoils has always helped me more than Rush of Battle, unless you are on the defensive.
Ruthless Deathfang seems like a good addition.
Unless you ran out of mountains...
Surprised Explore isn't on the list.
Dark ritual would be nice. Turn one Buried Alive would almost make a turn 2 Soulflayer.
Spore frog is one of my favorites.
The duel lands come into play tapped when he searches for them with the two search cards. Whats wrong with some extra life and mana fixing?
There are alot of 1-2 mana cost auras that have draw abilities that you could play then built up to Ethereal Armor.
Scute Mob would be awesome.
Citadel Siege and Aven Skirmisher pretty much won me every game of the recent prerelease. This would put a flier on the field to help block Jeskai and buff up/add more control.
Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest would make any creature in this deck stupid strong or is a light version of the rest of the creatures.
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