Nylea is a great way to give Trample and pump infinitely if you can't find a big guy.
Preordain lets you put your wienies to the bottom of your deck, Brainstorm does not.
Archetype of Courage seems like it would fit really well. having your creatures have first strike and vigilance would be nice.
Yes, one more way to get dredge into the grave and activate it also another creature to pop to the battlefield when anything else goes there from the graveyard.I don't know the old Dredge list, so I don't know how to compare.
For the number of lands you have in the deck, I think you'll have an issue casting anything 4cmc or higher. Not having any early game defenders might also be an issue. One of my favorites is Kracken Hatchling or Fog Bank.
I think you have too many high mana cost creatures for your mana base, its going to be rough getting out the 4cmc let alone the 5cmc. Archangel of Thune seems like an awesome card, but without the ability to ramp to her or "cheat" her to the battlefield she's going to be hanging out in your hand. I'd cut Archangel, Bloodbond, and the tutor for more cards that give you life. Nyx-Fleece Ram and Ajani's Mantra are both great for this.Mark of the vampire is another card thats high for this land base, Spirt Link gives lifelink ability, but isn't lifelink. Throw that 1cmc enchantment on Ajani's Pridemate and watch him grow. Or you could always throw it on one of the opponent's creatures and get life that way.
I was going to put Treasure Cruise in as well, but Spellheart needs more in the graveyard.Thanks for looking at my deck!
Jeskai Barricade lets you recast Wall of Blossoms and Omens.
I appreciate your comment on my deck. That being said it helps to read all the cards, this might be my fault since I didn't fill out the how to play section. 12 of my creatures have flying or can only be blocked by flying either way they will have trample. When I know I have lethal, I cast Triumph giving all creatures +1/+1 trample and infect, and attack. In response to blockers I pump whatever creature isn't blocked or enough creatures to go lethal. Martyr will help in this due to the fact I plan on having multiple green cards in hand to pump with.This isn't typical infect, but playing casual I don't like to play typical decks.
Change City of Brass for City of Ass for flavor sake.
Remove for draw or control?
I play mostly casual. My LGS has a casual tournament and I prefer to play that and have fun than play Standard and Modern where things are way too serious.I build on here and use it to goldfish to see if I like the deck before I play it. This seems too creature heavy, any suggestions?
Will always be going thru my mind while playing zombie decks like this due to my teenage years listening to that music and playing mostly decks like this.
Darksteel Sentinel for Vigilance and Indestuctible.
Asylum Visitor seems good?
Stupid double post.
I think Explore would fit nicely, has the same ability as our toad lord. Hermit Druid will help put a bunch of land in the grave yard, especially if you reduce the amount of basics you have. Centaur Garden, Encroaching Wastes, Heart of Yavimaya, Jund Panorama, and Quicksand will help with this. Add in an Elixir of Immortality and your good. Is Courser of Kruphix too costly?And the big one: Tomb of Urami.Also, could you take a look at a non budget casual deck of mine? http://www.mtgvault.com/bfrick2/decks/casual-stupidness/
Your land seems a little heavy, I'd cut it down to 24 at most.On creature heavy and tribal decks like this I like to run Descendants Path. Three mana enchantment that will play a werewolf for free and doesn't consider you casting it is a good thing right? Also because you didn't cast it, if you are top decking at the time it will transform unless you cast something else.But the Biggest thing this is missing is Immerwolf. Make sure your pack doesn't transform back!
I did a few posts to different decks on the new page, and am actually getting feedback for a change.
Also I question Dream Fracture over many of the other counter spells. I'd prefer Dissolve so much more.
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