
63 Decks, 776 Comments, 326 Reputation

Definitely Blind obedience, but I LOVE the idea behind this deck... better yet I have almost all the cards for it, so I might give it a go.....

Posted 11 March 2013 at 06:43 in reply to #330286 on Mill in Peace Esper


Check out mine, I've done something similar to this, but with a splash of green.

Posted 08 March 2013 at 02:25 in reply to #329608 on Battalion baby!


Yeah Spark troopers are severely underrated... Turn 6, Spark trooper and then Boros Charm for double strike, or Souldbind it with Silverblade Paladin. In another unrelated topic, you should add silverblade paladins to this deck.... If you can afford them, and maybe even lightning mauler, seeing as everything costs at least 3, having a lightning mauler out by turn 2 means you don't have to wait that one extra turn to STRIKE!!!

Posted 08 March 2013 at 02:24 in reply to #329608 on Battalion baby!


I'm guessing that this is a modern deck? Gates won't have much of a point till Dragon's maze comes out, may I suggest hinterland harbor and simic growth chamber, and replace greenside watcher with farseek/rangers path/cultivate/explore, any of those. Sideboard unsummon, your focus should be on getting enough mana to surprise your opponent with biovisionary, which is why cackling counterpart is a good choice, being an instant you can cast it anytime. Also Protean hulk is a good choice, sneaky way to get all biovisionarys out, but your opponent will see that coming, and might have something to exile it instead, or simply pacify it. If you want to splash a bit of black, you could kill it yourself with say, murder or devour flesh. Just a few ideas, nice start though.

Posted 06 March 2013 at 00:52 as a comment on Biovisionary


WOW, that is expensive......... Iv'e never seen an amount this high, kudos just for getting it this high! It is a nice idea too.

Posted 05 March 2013 at 06:20 as a comment on No Land Allowed!


Hey my brother just pointed out to me, conjurer's closet and deadeye navigator. Just a thought :)

Posted 05 March 2013 at 01:06 in reply to #328750 on Lifegain stnd


Yeah and with the amount of removal spells these days in standard it can be quite hard to get going. I've had it happen once and end up with over 500 life. The other thing I did, which I forgot about before, was Goldnight redeemer. 2 life per creature when enters, really annoying with cloudshift :) And if you're willing to splash some blue mana, you could add saving grasp and ghostly flicker too. So you could make your sideboard - 4 ghostly flicker, 4 saving grasp, 4 hallowed fountain, 3 glacial fortress. it would still be a lifegain deck, but it might also confuse the hell outta your opponent :)

Posted 05 March 2013 at 00:25 in reply to #328750 on Lifegain stnd


Always like a good lifegain deck. Another option, if you're interested of course, is Roaring Primadox. With Thragtusk on the field, this gives you a 3/3 beast token at the start of every turn, and with Trostani and at least one Faithmender on the field, this will become 16 life on entry, 6 life on exit. Of course the same thing could be done with armada wurm too, with even greater effect.

Posted 04 March 2013 at 22:28 as a comment on Lifegain stnd


That's an easy fix, sideboard the creatures that will change your strategy, that way you can keep your opponent guessing. Like one game foxus on buffing with champion and humans, next go for burn with reckoner and vexing. Blasphemous act on a boros charmed reckoner can be quite annoying

Posted 04 March 2013 at 15:03 in reply to #328467 on boroskimosk1.1


Yeah it's a difficult position to put yourself in, as there isn't really any common to buff the tokens either

Posted 04 March 2013 at 14:59 as a comment on Pauper Flicker Control


Ok I can see this needs to be pointed out for you grim_lord14...

This COMMON-ONLY deck.......

Nice deck by the way, I love the idea.

Possible win cons are flicker any common creatures that have effects when they enter the battlefield, like attended knight.

I had a look, there are a lot of options available in standard.
Just search through cards with the filter "enters the battlefield" in the text section on commons, there are at least 50 different kinds..

Posted 04 March 2013 at 03:02 in reply to #328491 on Pauper Flicker Control


Silverblade Paladin, captain of the watch, assemble the legion, intangible virtue. But looks pretty good as is...

Posted 04 March 2013 at 01:21 as a comment on boroskimosk1.1


If you get someone who tries to mill you before Lab Maniac is out, you could throw in a few Alchemist's Refuge, giving him flash and you can then cast him in response to it, setting yourself up for a win :)

Posted 03 March 2013 at 22:58 as a comment on self mill madness!!


Here, see what you think.

Posted 01 March 2013 at 04:48 in reply to #327630 on Borborygmos Reanimator


Don't worry 2 is enough, you don't want to rely solely on him.

Posted 01 March 2013 at 04:47 in reply to #327632 on Borborygmos Reanimator


I like, nice cheap way to get Borborygmos on the field.... You've inspired me to make something similar, I'll get back to you once im done...

Posted 01 March 2013 at 04:24 as a comment on Borborygmos Reanimator


If you want there is also stonehorn dignitary.... Lol don't mean to make it even more difficult for you, it is a good idea

Posted 27 February 2013 at 02:58 as a comment on Filibuster


Nice idea, I had a similar thing, see what you think, also you might want to sideboard Enter the Infinite, goes well with Omniscience

Posted 27 February 2013 at 02:34 as a comment on unexpected fun!


What about silence?

Posted 27 February 2013 at 02:32 as a comment on Filibuster


Yeah nice boros deck with a mix of black! You could for the fun of it, sideboard nearheath pilgrim. Then you could Soulbond him with Boros Reckoner. Then, cast Boros charm to make all creatures indestructible, then searing spear Boros Reckoner and keep assigning the damage to himself, until you have enough life. Or infinity... And Rhox faithmender would just make this even funnier

Posted 21 February 2013 at 04:52 as a comment on W/B/R Midrange


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