
63 Decks, 776 Comments, 326 Reputation

IT'S NOT ANGRY ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take out a Dynacharge, Weapon surge, Dreadbore and a basic and throw in 4 Spike Jesters, THEN IT IS ANGRY!!!!!

Posted 02 May 2013 at 07:10 in reply to #347235 on Don't you dare stop


Here is my america charm deck. Check out my sideboard in it, as you can see there are different spells in it for different needs and different decks.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 06:07 in reply to #347218 on Izzet help plz


Just run 2 Niv-Mizzet's he is legendary so you don't want too many of him sitting in your hand. You have a healthy mix of burn and counter spells, but don't forget you have a 15 card sideboard too. Make your mainboard up of cards that play to the tactic you want, but fill your sideboard up with cards that will respond to different decks. So for instance if you came across a lifegain deck you would want Skullcrack in your sideboard. If you came across token decks you would want Homing lightning or Mizzium mortars (which you already have). This deck would go great as a three colour white, red, blue, but if you're focused on just the izzet colours, you need to think about what cards would be good to respond to in different situations. Another problem you will run into is aggro decks. They will be swinging for lethal damage by at least the 4th-5th turn. What is the best card to deal with multiple creatures attacking you on a turn 4 where you only have 4 lands? Aetherize! Another good one to sideboard. Izzet charm is a good all rounder. Run 3 of each instants in your mainboard. Maybe even Syncopate instead of Dissipate (again another sideboard option). The good thing about syncopate is that it is effective turn 2. Your mana base is great, perfect in fact, don't touch it.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 06:06 in reply to #347218 on Izzet help plz


How do you want to win? How do you plan to respond to an opponent's spells. What do you have to protect you? What is your mana curve you want to achieve? what will the board look like in the first few turns? These are things you need to ask yourself. The deck can be awesome but what do you want to come out first? What do you want in your opening hand? Since you are using Dragon's maze cards consider Blast of Genius. With Charmbreaker devils you can simply bring back the discarded card with them.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 05:38 as a comment on Izzet help plz


Well if you're doing it for shits and giggles then of course :)

Posted 02 May 2013 at 04:14 in reply to #347165 on One cost creature aggro


So if you have 2 mentors on the field, and you have 3 mana open, you cast a boros elite. You can therefore pay 2 mana, and draw 2 cards, as you have 2 mentors on the field.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 04:13 in reply to #347139 on One cost creature aggro


Yes. Because each would trigger separately. It's just like the extort mechanic, works in the exact same fashion.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 04:12 in reply to #347139 on One cost creature aggro


Lol just say no creatures are blocking....

Posted 02 May 2013 at 04:11 in reply to #347165 on One cost creature aggro


Not really possible, but mentor's effect is fine, you will always have the mana open to do it especially for one drops. It is going to cost you at most 3 mana everytime to cast a creature and draw a card. You can only do Mentor's effect once per creature that enters

Posted 02 May 2013 at 03:55 in reply to #347139 on One cost creature aggro


reforge the soul

Posted 02 May 2013 at 03:50 in reply to #347139 on One cost creature aggro


yeah wild guess, but with mentor you're not discarding cards. It looks good now, you've kept the theme you were originally going for, and you have a way to keep your cards flowing, now you just have to fix that mana source and you're good to go. Consider the following (I know it might seem expensive) Based off your 21 land run - 4 Sacred Foundry, 4 Clifftop Retreat, 3 slayer's stronghold, 9 plains, 1 mountain

Posted 02 May 2013 at 03:49 in reply to #347139 on One cost creature aggro


The best thing you can do is go and search the card database, tick the "text" box, type in the effect you're after, like "draw a card" and tick the necessary colours and exclude all others, then pick the sets you want, easy.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 03:36 in reply to #347139 on One cost creature aggro


Run down to 20 lands and take out an odric, and run 4 mentors. Should help with your draw issues.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 03:34 in reply to #347139 on One cost creature aggro


His best bet is to run Mentor of the meek.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 03:33 in reply to #347139 on One cost creature aggro


It is a good idea, don't let one person's opinion sway your idea, it could go really well. I for one really like the idea. Look for more battalion effects seeing as you will be swinging with lots of guys.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 02:55 in reply to #347116 on One cost creature aggro


Not bad, I like it, see what you think of mine.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 01:13 as a comment on Dimir Mill Standard


And if you can cut the deck down by 10 cards, oh and murder investigation is another option, would work well with commander's authority, and intangible virtue for your tokens.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 01:10 in reply to #347053 on One cost creature aggro


He's right. Also if you're running one drops, consider Varolz, his ability would give you cheap scavenge creatures too. Also Gavony township is another good choice.

Posted 02 May 2013 at 01:09 in reply to #347053 on One cost creature aggro


Ive got 2 on the way. Because my brother lets me buy it cheaper from him (gotta support your family). I'm hoping for a Ral too. I wouldn't worry too much, you're bound to get a Melek. The set is only 156 cards. And there is only 35 rares and 11 mythics, so your chances are pertty good at getting at least one...

Posted 01 May 2013 at 05:45 in reply to #344145 on NO Creatures (Standard)


Yeah figured you wouldn't. But it is still a funny ass idea. He would be great for miracle decks too btw, as you can set yourself up since you know what card is coming next :)

Posted 01 May 2013 at 04:03 in reply to #344145 on NO Creatures (Standard)


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