Add Broodstar, counters to protect your artifacts, and Precursor Golem.
Just extra reinforcement for finding the combo, but I guess I agree with Rustedbucket down there about both.
Hello! I have to say that this deck has a common but still powerful concept. However there's one problem- the deck is too slow. You cant always depend on fling to pop up, or for the divining top to find it, so you need to put smaller creatures in, regular burn spells, more lands, and/or a splash of black for things like Diabolic Tutor or Increasing Ambition to protect yourself in earlier turns and find your cards. There are decks fast enough out there to put yourself on the defensive, or even kill you before you can pose an actual threat.
More Jaces (both versions)
Go for the throat and inkmoth nexus will do good here.
What's the combo?
Angelic Page is a cheap angel. Also, add some ramp to the deck. Linvala, Keeper of Silence is a cheap and powerful angel.
Liliana Vess. She discards angels and brings them back.
Furnace Celebration.
Also, consider Akroma or her Memorial
Cut Angelic Arbiter for Exalted Angel- it can be a 4/5 flying lifelinker on turn 4.
Use Liliana's Caress instead of Megrim. Muuch cheaper.
"Duh" from Unhinged.
Cut unified will, twisted image, and turn aside to hit 60 cards. Cut the Cancels for more Mana Leaks.
No White Knight?
Infect and non- infect (usually) don't go together. If you plan to use infect, then it looks like it will be only good as blocking fodder. Also, I suggest a theme. You could go infect with all your creatures or do some thing else, like elves or something. Also, it would be much easier to help you if we know the pool of cards you got from the fat pack and toolkit, or weather you're good with just buying the suggestions.:)
Actually, it still has to be your land. Landfall is "whenever a land enters the battlefield UNDER YOUR CONTROl.
Fire Servent is a permanent Quest.
And Goblin Guide and Contested War Zone
Warren Intigator- a whole lot of goblins.
1-20 of 80 items