Cut 1 Doom Blade and all M of Mutiny for 3 Go For the Throat
Sangromancer and only 1 Doom Blade. You never know when you have to kill an artifact creature...
Null Rod:) "But it doesn't do anything!" "Wrong. It does nothing."
The earthcraft/squirrel's nest combo doesn't create infinite squirrels in one turn. It does, however, increase your squirrels turn by turn.
Ponder- not an actually scry, but sorta close. Also, Planar Chaos and I think the original Mirrodin block have scry cards.
UBR? Try Storm Crow.
Scute Mob. It belongs in this deck.
Mirran Crusader.
Cut 2 Birds for 2 Elvish Archdruid, and fit a few more elves. Elvish Archdruid can tap for a lot with enough elves.
It looks good! Try the Izzet shockland and replace the Terramorphic Expanse with the Zendikar UR fetchland.
No problem.:) Also, the deck has some creature-only burn, so the opponent either hits his/her own creatures or my stuffy doll.
Your missing Storm Crow, Planeswalker.
Signal Pest can boost your attack up.
Try Exalted Angel and Angelic Page. Also, as much as it looks very small compared to Baneslayer, Serra Angel is still a good card.
Maybe Copperhorn Scout and Ezuri's Archer's? Also, Goblin Bushwhacker looks like a good card.
Storm crow.
How about Rootbound Crag? Also, One With Nature is the one thing that is keeping this deck from being Standard-legal.
Engulfing Slagwurm. It's better than deathtouch because it kills the creature before the Slagwurm takes any damage. Like First-Strike Deathtouch Lifelink, except it can beat first strike too.
Well, you need less blue mana than green and black, I suggest you cut 2 Island for a Misty Rainforest and an Inkmoth Nexus.
Any comments or suggestions? I know this deck could use a lot of helping.
21-40 of 80 items