Wall of Omens protects and draws. Safe passage can guarantee a counter for Luminarch. Baneslayer Angel... cut two Serras for one of these.
Storm Crow.
Rhys the Redeemed? How about Elvish Promenade.
Inkmoth Nexus? It's an extra artifact for shape anew and it isn't an artifact in the main deck. Besides, Blightsteel already has infect.
Why is ancient stirrings in there?
Lightning bolt is a necessity.
Well Tezzy is fighting for Bolas but he still is overpriced. Now for the deck- sideboard one or two Phyrexian Vathmothers (huge disadvantage If you're fighting infect) and maybe main deck a plague stinger (evasive). Technically, decks don't have to be fully affiliated, but the best player from each side gets an Action card.
Replace blaze with Red sun's Zenith or another fireball. Throw in pyromancers ascension in place of heat ray. replace a flamekin brawler with another kiln fiend. Sideboard pyroclasm.
Fuel for the cause does look like it will help. Increases disruption and proliferate. Switch a mana leak for a spell pierce. Add contagion engine and half a set of plague myr too. Plague stinger helps, and maybe distortion strike for unblockability. sideboard a deathmark.
No, I don't think the squirrel's nest combo works, because it can't tap for anything due to summoning sickness.
Run or sideboard a few Deprives.
Sideboard a White Knight and put some Kithkin in the main deck. Kithkin were made for White Weenie.
Hero of Bladehold?
You're trying to draw, right? try preordain, maybe foresee and a few cards that only draw (divination)
That's strange. I thought I already had a few mana leaks in there. Thanks!
Try panic spellbomb to get rid of blockers and remove the flayer husks. Replace them with ichorclaw myr, it's aggressive and can weaken blockers.
Try leaf arrow and wing puncture.
How about Virulent wound, creatures who have infect printed on, and/or proliferate? The goal is to use infect to win, so those could help to hit poison early.
Can I suggest a few copies of Silence? I'm a little new to deck building, and the deck looks great, but if the deck uses equipment to hit hard, then cards like creeping corrosion and naturalize can destroy your equipment. Also, stoneforge mystic can fetch equipment and put them into play for a little less. Quest for the Holy Relic can't do its job alone. And replace some Sunpetal Grove with Razorverge Thicket. It's a bit slower but should work with all your nonbasic lands. As for the sideboard, cards like mighty leap or journey to nowhere can let your creatures through. But the rest seems powerful.
61-80 of 80 items