Thanks! I'll see what I can do...
I'd cut 1 Skithiryx and both Terramorphic Expanses for a Swamp and 2 more Verdant Catacombs- the deck is ver good but it needs more land and Terramorphic Expanse is slow. 1 life isn't too much of a price.
Oh, sorry, I mean 1 Negate and 1 Stoic.
Well, it looks good, but I would cut 4 Plains for 2 Sunpetal Grove and 2 Glacial Fortress, since you need more green and blue mana than you'll need white. Also, Cancel is not a strong card, I'd replace all 3 with 1 Mana Leak and either 2 Negate or 1 Negate and 2 Stoic Rebuttal.
It made so many likes because, as I said, this deck is a joke. But it's a hilarious joke.:)
Try Blinkmoth Nexus instead of Inkmoth since you're not going for infect.
Looks very powerful, but I would cut the Terramorphic Expanse for Arid Mesa and main deck/ sideboard a Mirran Crusader against Black and Green.
It's a JOKE deck. All of the cards in here are either a) very famous for their mediocrity (Storm Crow) b)stink so much they're famous ( Chimney Imp) or c) completely suck (Shelkin Brownie)
Try the Mirrodin Besieged Heroes, Mirran Crusader, and 4 Elite Vanguard.
Actually, here it would be best to run 22-24 lands, considering the curve this deck has. I'd add 2 Doom Blade and 2 Go for the Throat as more removal, maybe even a Grasp of Darkness. Sideboard Black Knight.
Bear Umbra.
How about Goblin Guide? really aggressive 1-mana creature.
Well, for starters, put 4 Contested Warzones in main deck (don't sideboard them), since 18 lands is way too little lands in any deck, in place of Ember Hauler and Red Sun's Zenith. In the sideboard, the 3 Warzones should be replaced by 2 Ember Hauler and only 1 Red Suns Zenith.
Actually, in M12 they replace Liliana and Ajani with Sorin and Gideon.
I think EDH decks are supposed to have the General be the 100th card?
try Mogg Infestation to double your creatures.
Try Verdant Embrace, the original Thallid, Mossbridge Troll, and a Carnage Altar or something to sac tokens.
Try Hill Giant. It will destroy everything your Storm Crows leftover.
Sideboard a mirran crusader.
First drop the deck to 60 cards (you'll want to cut the Remote Farms and Revoke Existences out as 8 cut cards to reach 60). Add Whitesun's Passage and a Loxodon Warhammer, and Eternity Vessel.
41-60 of 80 items