20 lands is way too light. If this was a 60 card deck, you'd want 22 or 23, but at 70, you'd really want 24 or 25. Conscription just looks like overkill since most of your creatures pack infect, and you could probably stand to drop 1 Contagion Engine and 1 Contagion Clasp. You'd be a lot more constant if you trimmed it down to 60, which shouldn't be too hard. Drop Conscription, 1 Clasp/Engine, and maybe those Giants since once you have 4 lands you really don't need many more and you can afford to remove a few pump spells.
Seems like Celestial Colonnade would be better over Refuge. I'd also probably would play Sunblast Angel over Day of Judgement since it's blink-able with Venser and it'll create a 1-sided board wipe. I assume there's a budget constraint, since Ajani really doesn't do much other than making the Birds bigger and Sun Titan isn't doing too much that's impressive. I'd rather run Frost Titan over Sun Titan, use a few of those Bird slots for more Clasps and round out the Chalice count to 4. And of course, rename all those non-Venser planeswalkers Jace the Mind Sculptor. I'd also probably replace 1 Magnet with 1 Elixir of Immortality. It'll help VS Aggro and can help you re-stock on counter magic. Mana base looks like it might need a little more help for color fixing. All in all it's a good concept, but I think you need better Proliferate targets.
101-102 of 102 items