I wouldn't run anything with cascade if you want to win via Fireball / Banefire, since it makes for a really bad cascade. Looks too slow to do what you'll want to do fast enough. Channel-Ball was big because back in the day, before there was a minimum number of cards, you could run Channel, Fireball, Black Lotus, some Moxin, and some land and just combo off and win turn 1 every time. Even when there was a minimum deck size, it randomly won games, which is why Channel got banned / restricted. Maybe move a copy of Banefire into the SB and run 4 Burning Wish? Same thing with a Channel. Rather than splash Black just to tutor up your pieces, why not just "Wish" for it? both your pieces are Wish-able, might as well is it to your advantage.
I'd recommend putting some creatures in the deck, otherwise if it this deck encounters Leyline of Sanctity (a common sideboard card in a lot of decks running White) it'll just loose unless you get Bloodchief's Ascension online before the Leyline comes out, which is impossible if they keep an opening hand with one in it.
I don't know how this can compare to other Legacy Aggro lists. I quick proxied this up and ran it VS my Budget Zoo list and it forced your deck to have something of a slow start since My 1-drops simply were bigger than your's are, and with all my removal I had no problems killing the few serious threats (ie: Barron, Ghoul and the token from Quest). Deathgreeter is really pointless in the deck. Maybe take a page out of Sui Black's play book and run Carnophage? He's the link to my deck: Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=127488
Have you considered Quillspike + Devoted Druid to make your big creature? Druid taps for 1 Green mana, and you can untap it by giving it a -1/-1 counter. Both of which you can use to pump Quillspike. Once you have your "infinitely" large Quillspike, all that's left is getting him in to deal damage, either with trample or being unblocked. And you can protect him from removal with Vines of Vastwood / Negate.
I'm assuming there's a reason why you've only used cards some SOM? Otherwise, you really need some Lightning Bolts.
Magosi? Tectonic Edge? Why not Wasteland?
Oust is kind of bad, as if Punishing Fire. You'd be better off with Flame Slash and Journey to Nowhere for removal. How often do those Titans see play? I think you'd be better off with Kor Skyfisher. Mana base looks a little light on fetches, and it count stand to replace a few mountains with Teetering Peaks. How often do you have 30+ life? I think Adventuring Gear would serve you better than Ascendent. Ajani is an interesting addition.
Chandra is amazing. I run her in my Standard deck, and I usually get her down turn 4 (I'm mono-Red, so I use Everflowing Chalice, which makes for fun turn 3 plays like Koth or Cyclops Gladiator), and she really helps me control the field. I think people just snub their noses at her 5 cmc. You can check my deck out here: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=127265 Seems like you have an awkward turn 2 if that BoP eats a removal spell. How's your Control match up look like? But more curiously, what's up with that sideboard? There's a lot of odd stuff in there.
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to capitalize on the Coffers (as well as let them tap for mana by themselves). Why run Mirror Gallery at all? Seems like you do more damage by using Korlash's Grandeur ability to pump Korlash and his buddies. Dakmor Sorceress and Sima Yi, Wei Field Marshal fit with your theme than Umbra Stalker. Why no Corrupts? I'd think you'd use at least 1 as a finisher.
Haunting Echoes is brutal with Mill. Most honed T2 decks consist of few different cards, so 1 good Archive Trap / Traumatize can set up Echoes to remove every relevant card in their deck.
The beauty of it though is even though they get so many cards, they have to be a combo deck themselves to capitalize on them, since most of the time they end up with cards they can't play because they don't have enough lands. Visions is a double-edged sword, but when paired with Dreams and Puzzle Box and the fact they "benefit" from the cards first, it medicates the damage I take. I usually Visions as the final nail in the coffin, since Puzzle Box + Mine + Visions is often enough to finish them after what they've already taken. There was only 1 game I played were I didn't win on their turn after I played Puzzle Box, and that was because I wasn't drawing any way to penalize them for drawing cards. The next turn I untapped, and drew 3 Dreams, 2 Visions, and 1 Seizan (among other things), I played them all and won during their draw step. And even that was turn 6. Visions damage is negligible compared to it's damage output during the resolution of the combo triggers. It also helps load Quest counters onto Quest for Pure Flame, which causes them to take more damage while resolving the Puzzle Box. I'd like to add in Control, but there just isn't the time for it. This deck is all about setting up a kill-combination of Dreams / Visions + Mines / Fonts + Puzzle Boxes as soon as you can. Ideally: (on the Play) Turn 1: Swamp, Dark Ritual, Underworld Dreams (they'll take 1 damage on their turn) Turn 2: Cairns, Howling Mine (they'll take 2 damage on their turn) Turn 3: Swamp, Howling Mine, Quest for Pure Flame (they'll take 3 damage on their turn, 3 counters on Quest) Turn 4: Swamp, Puzzle Box (they'll take 1 damage, Quest becomes active and I pop it to super charge dreams, they'll take 4 more from the draw for their turn and the 2nd Mine, then they usually draw 8 cards off of Puzzle Box. Once they Combo is in place, it deals lethal damage 99.99% of the time on that turn alone. Any damage done before hand would have only served to charge up Quest.
Harbinger is bad, I think you're better off using Brianstorm.
Wasteland is a good card, but I my mana base really can't afford to have them in there. Goyf and Jitte are the only things that'll take colorless mana. As far as dealing with ANT decks, Teeg so far is really my only answer. I've been thinking about Sudden Shock, or Pyrostatic Pillar. I actually hadn't thought about Leyline of Sanctity, I might be picking a few up.
I think I'd rather see more burn over those Silence. And if you can, replace those tempo-killing Exspanses and Wilds for Arid Mesas, Scalding Tarn, and Marsh Flats. I also don't know if I like Sword in there. I don't see Koth being relavent for SBing, I'd use his space for a 3rd Mark of Mutiny since it's sick VS Titans. And on that topic I'd add a singleton Teetering Peaks and Sejiri Steppe. That way if you do Mark a P. Titan you can do some serious damage. And Peaks is always good for pumping Landfall guys or bouncing via Skyfisher.
Given this is a Mid-Range deck for Competitive play, I'd think my curve is about as low as I can go with out taking on more of an Aggro feel to it.
The only thing I don't like about this deck is the fact Dash Hopes is in it. I think I'd rather see some kind of discard spell here. Probably Thoughtseize. How often can you actually play Nocturnus? With 18 lands in the deck, I'd think hitting 3 or more lands could be tough. I'm kind of surprised there's no Strip Mine in here to polish of the LD suite. I think I'd like to see something else over Child of Night. Maybe Bloodghast, or Vampire Lacerator / Pulse Tracker. This deck really looks like it wants to do something productive on turn 1.
I have, but Pilgrim's Eye isn't really useful after it comes down. Sure, hitting that land drop is important, but aside from fetching me a land, he just sits there, waiting to chump block. My deck can pretty much get broken down into 3 parts: Mana Sources, Threats, and Removal. Pilgrim's Eye doesn't fit into any of those categories. And unlike Collar, it doesn't enable anything powerful to happen (such as Titan + Collar or Sparkmage + Collar or the semi-obscene Cyclops + Collar vs Aggro). If I wanted to add Masticores into the list, then it might be more useful, but my 4-drop slot is a little tight.
No Pious Kitsune to work with Eight-and-a-Half Tails? Their even Clerics. Mark of Asylum would be good to protect your creatures, or maybe Spiritual Asylum.
You're going for speed, yet you aren't running Goblin Guide. And you're using Geopede, but you're not running any Fetch lands to really use him. Why? I'd remove Galvanic Blast, Reverberate and Valakut for 4 Guides and some combination of Arid Mesas and Scalding Tarn (or you could go Expanse and Wilds if you're trying to be budget).
81-100 of 102 items