maybe switch out Zenith for Flame Slash of Bust Lightning? Zenith is going to be rather weak here, and either a 1 mana sorcery to slash down walls, or just more cheap reach seems better for you needs.
Thanks, but I'd have to say Saporlings are the biggest horde, which bumps Elves down to 3rd largest. And Elves can beat down, it's just funner to have Dragons eat them.
Goblin Charbelcher is a great combo piece for 0 or 1 land decks. I'd run something like this: 4 Goblin Charbelcher 4 Empty the Warrens 3 Street Wraith 4 Elvish Spirit Guide 4 Simian Spirit Guide 4 Land grant 1 Taiga 4 Lotus Petal 4 Chrome Mox 4 Lion’s Eye Diamond 4 Tinder Wall 4 Rite of Flame 4 Pyretic Ritual 4 Manamorphose 4 Desperate Ritual 4 Seething Song
WAY too much land. Valakut is too slow without a way to put multiple lands into play at once, and you have no real way to protect Koth. And Ravager leaves much to be desired. If you want other ways to win using Mountains, try: Barrel Down Sokenzan, Fire Dragon, Eternal Flame, Firecat Blitz, Genju of the Spires, Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician, and/or Jaws of Stone.
Yes, each token from Rebirth will get counted by Quest, but to activate it that fast you need a very hard to come by opening hand of Mountain, Quest, 2 0 cmc Artifacts, and 2 Rebirth. That's way too hard of a hand to assure yourself, since 2 copies of one card in your opening hand is hard enough. Decks need to be able to stand on their own unless they contain a combo that just ends the game strait away. With out double Rebirth, a turn 1 Goblin Guide will do a hell of a lot more damage than a turn 1 Quest will enable you to get by the time it goes active.
Fire Servant isn't worth the cardboard it's printed on and Leyline really isn't a MD card. Reverberate really is unnecessary as well. More burn for Spitfire / Fiend would be great, and all Red Aggro decks that are Standard Legal should have 4 Goblin Guides, because it's just that good.
Quest for the Goblin Lord is too slow. Cut it for 4 Rebirths, and maybe the 2 Fireballs for 2 Goblin Bushwhackers. If you don't want to go the Rebirth angle, there's always Warren Instigator and you can cut Shield and Ornithoper for more goblins (probably Ember Hauler and Spike Shot Elder).
Depends what you have in hand, and what you're up against. If you can assure yourself getting Lackey in on turn 1 and drop a big threat(Siege-Gang, Chieftain, Recruiter, Piledriver) then Lackey on turn 1 for sure. If not, Guide on turn 1 is never a bad play.
I tried Parasite, it couldn't cut is. That whole needing a Red perm issue. I'd rather pay more for a non-creature (whose a 1/1) and get assured damage / back up Dreams as well as another draw effect. Visions has only been bad VS red decks, but as a general rule, any deck fast Red deck can wreck this with the right draw (since the combo shows them so many cards before the kill).
Raging is slow because he's only good on turn 1. After that, he's outclassed by anything, and top decking him late is junk. I'd rather play a turn 1 Goblin Patrol. After it's first swing it ties with Raging and after that it takes the lead.
Lackey, Siege-Gang, Piledriver, Cheiftain, Grenade = Good King, Instigator, Marshal, War Strike, Fodder = OK Hoard, Raging, Warrens, Rise = Bad (too slow) Quest = Horrible (because it's far too slow to matter if you built a Goblin deck properly) Consider: Goblin Guide, Goblin Recruiter, Mogg Flunkies, Goblin Matron and Goblin Warchief
Have you thought about opting for Black rather than Blue? Black offers Underworld Dreams which sets you up for more repeatable damage, and with Puzzle Box it becomes brutal. I've seen scary mono-Black decks running that combo killing turn 3 / 4. I built my own, splash Black to help ensure quick finishes. Here's the link:
Boom // Bust for some more cheap LD? It combos nicely with Strip Mine. Maybe have Magnivore / Detrivore as a finisher? Killing off Dingus Egg could take a while, even with its current help. Maybe Zo-Zu the Punisher / Ankh of Mishra to make for a double hit? Hurts to play lands, hurts to loose lands. It almost seems like you have too much LD. If you don't draw a Pyroclasm, I could see some wimpy 1 or 2 cmc creature just wrecking you. A little more burn to remove creatures might be needed.
Signal Pest seems better as Iron Myr. Lux Canon would be good with all that proliferate action.
Quest for the Goblin Lord is too slow for Goblins. And the other Quest is ok. I'd switch the numbers on them, then replace QftGL with Goblin Wardriver for more pump. 1 More Guide would also be good. Have you considered Flame Slash in the event you run into a Wall of Omens or similar robust blocker?
Glad I could help. Red is ind of my thing. Heck if you check out my profile, a good 90% of the deck's I've posted have had red in them. If you want another example of this style of deck, you can check out my Moxblin list I posted, though I built it for Block tournaments, so my cardpool was very limited. Your list is looking good, though I would much rather see 4 Bushwhacker over the Shamans and Quests.
This looks more Aggro based than Combo based. Combo based decks generally want to win via that combo alone. That's just more of a series of nice synergies. Now, a Combo for vampires would be using Bloodghasts to fuel a series of Highborn triggers using Visera Seer as a sac outlet, then using fetch lands / your land for the turn to recur the Bloodghast. Nirkana Revenant can be used to help supply all the mana for the combo. It's a lot of cards, but it can be used to get in a lot of damage, and it all can happen before you untap, meaning you can take a chunk out of them when you attack with your Bloodghasts, then sac them for more damage on their EoT, then untap, play your land and you probably can finish them off that turn, even if you don't have that Revenant mana generator. It'd also let you stay mono-Black for better consistency. All that aside, this looks like a slower BR Vampires list that was popular at Wolds.
Why would you remove Bushwhacker? It's solid. Those Rituals shouldn't be there. There's really no point to ramp in Goblins. You have a whole tribe of fast threats and mass pump from War Driver, Chieftain and Bushwhacker. The general Goblin plan is overwhelm and finish, a ritual, while it helps get a 3 drop out on turn 2, just isn't needed, and it lowers your card quality. If you're going to crank up the Rebirth count to 4, I'd recommended dropping the 2 Elixirs and the 2 Trainees for 4 Memnite. An artifact that can beatdown before you cast Rebirth is better than something that's just going to set there. If budget's a problem, I'd recommended switching out the 4 Shamans (too high of cmc) and 2 Quests for 2 more Haulers and 4 Goblin Shortcutter (I've always had fun with him, and if you played a Cheiftain earlier, he can make for some back breaking plays. Burns also always good, so cutting the last 2 Quests and...I guess the Ballon Brigades for 4 Lightning Bolts. If you can't get all the Goblins, you can always sub in more burn (Flame Slash and Burst Lightning are solid). Is that SB being used to store cards that are out of your budget? That's the only reason I can think of for seeing 4 Guides in there after reading that $0 budget of yours.
So many bad Goblins... Why no Goblin Guides? That's probably one of the biggest ones missing from the list. And Bloodshot Trainee is really bad. Quest for the Goblin Lord is extremely slow (the opposite of Goblins general game plan). And Cheiftain has a lot of anti-synergy with Bombardment since once Chieftain hits the table, all of your Goblins should no longer fit the condition for Bombardment. Even sticking inside the Standard card pool Guide, Goblin Wardriver, Warren Instigator and Ember Hauler all deserve a slot more than Bombardment / Trainee / Quest / Battle Rattle Shaman.
Just as a heads up, you have to use War Zone after you declare attackers, otherwise it'll give it's +1/+0 to an impressive 0 creatures since none of them are attacking yet. Also as a nit-pick, 3*7 + 1 = 22 But yeah, an 8 card combo is almost never going to happen by turn 2. And on the draw, that opening set assuming you can pull it off is just begging for a Pyroclasm / Ratchet Bomb. You need some kind of back up plan Aggro is all over the place right now, thus any smart player is going to be backing copies of the quickest sweepers in the format. Once you dump your hand you have to hope they don't have an out because if they do, you're just done. Goblin Chieftain makes for a decent guy to carry you into the Mid game since he's a 2/2 haste for 3 that buffs / hastens any other Goblins, helping to rebound. You should probably only be running 2 War Zones since in the Aggro match up, you'll lose it really quickly.
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