Deck Updated for MBS.
Changes for after MBS MD: -3 Sparkmage -2 Collar +3 Slagstorm +2 Red Sun's Zenith SB: -2 Elder -1 Ignus +3 Phyrexian Revoker
Why are you not running Steppe Lynx? Kemba and Angel just don't seem worth it. Scalding Tarn / Marsh Flats over Wilds to give you better tempo. Nix those equipments for some better ones, Adventuring Gear comes to mind. And a singleton Basilisk Collar seems like it'd be helpful.
Cursecatcher over Spy
Dash Hopes is bad. I'd replace it with pretty much any other black card, I'd probably do with Cruel Edict, or some other removal spell.
If you're running 4 Black Lotus, there are so many other more broken things you can also run for turn 1 kills. Check out my AiR deck if you want to see a more "fair" deck that ramps out big stuff to win.
Rituals are always good to have around. The more mana you can get, the more you can do. You can check out my profile for 2 other EDH decks to get a better idea of what an EDH deck might look like. Generally, you either grab a General that acts as some kind of Combo, or one that's just a powerful creature in colors for a lot of possible control elements / disruption. You also have to keep in mind that EDH was built as a multiplayer format so defense is pretty important.
-8 Mountain for +4 Great Furnace, +4 Darksteel Citadel. Then -4 Flame Rift for +4 Shrapnel Blast. Why no Fireblast?
That's what the Slivers are for. 2 Silvers in play mean if a lone 1/1 gets through, the other player gets 2 counters. I use poison as an alt win-con / answer to life gain in my GW Pauper Sliver deck.
Regeneration is rare in Pauper, in all my games I've played, I've never even seen 1 creature with Regenerate. I missed that the Darksteel Cloak was common, but traditionally, you need the common copy in your deck. I'd suggest you make sure you're using the Darksteel copy. I wouldn't waste the space with Relic Putrescence, I'd spend it on tech like Groundswell / Rancor.
Doom Blade is strictly better than Terror. True Pauper is commons only, which means Cloak is out.
Seems like you could do well with Deprive or Unified Will over Cancel. I'd drop Skyscout and Wayfinder to make room for 2 more Tricksters, 4 Merfolk Spy and 2 more lands. I'd also replace 4 Islands with 4 Halimar Depths. Maybe get ride of Thada Adel and 2 Swords for 4 Into the Roil? That bounce could be helpful.
Needs Viscera Seer (sac outlet for triggering Highborn when you need to, and gives some utility to creatures that are about to die anyway) and Mark of Mutiny (great CA with Seer). You don't need Bloodwitch (it's too slow) and Sorin (too slow). I'm also a firm believer in Grasp of Darkness MD, Doom Blade SB since it gives you fewer dead cards possible for game 1.
Everflowing Chalice, Mind Stone and Chrome Mox (among other things) are better ramp for you than Doubling cube (if you have to be able to have 7+ mana in order to ramp with it at all). This deck really wants Isochron Scepter so you can get more uses out of those p/t switch spells. Leviathin is definitly a win-condition on his own. He's an 8/8, unblockable (he has Islandwalk and he makes all lands Islands) and he can lock down the other players attack force. I'd say cut a few of those Sphinxs, like Goliath, and add in more counter magic (Mana Leak, Rune Snag, etc..) that way you can control the game a bit better.
Fair enough, for some reason I thought it got unbanned. I just checked, and I was obviously wrong. But that doesn't change that it seems too slow.
needs Urborg, Tomb of Yawgamoth. It'll let you combo off and win as early as turn 3 (turn 2 Depths + Hexmage).
This list feels too slow for Legacy. Earthcraft still seems like a simply better way to generate a lot of Squirrels.
No, I'm talking about Pauper Storm. They don't do a lot for the first 2 turns, but then they tend to play a lot of rutuals than drop a lot of goblins via Empty the Warrens then finish up with a massive Grapeshot. Most of the time, all you can do is stall them a turn or so. In just a few turns they go from "losing" to "I win the game". Storm is probably the best deck for Pauper (because there are no good answers to Storm cards at the common level), but I love my Slivers.
You've never played VS a Pauper Storm deck then. As powerful and fast as this deck can lay on the Aggro beats, at least there are answers to it. VS Storm, there are no good answers to it other than either out racing it, CoP: Red and some light counter magic. As you can see, the bluk of the SB is there to fight Storm. Slivers really kind of are unfair VS a lot of Pauper decks though, it's kind of hard to compete with a tribal deck that can run 8 copies of a lord that comes down on turn 2. I like how the "worst" creature in the deck is "only" a 2/2 for 2, with an ability that might not be relevant. I could change it out, but I need a "bigger" creature, and a bear is always good to have around.
The problem though is all the other Fae really aren't worth using. Oona wants a lot more control / combo deck. What makes the Fae tribe good are the Fae I listed. Combined they give the deck a nice low curve, with powerful control elements, that help them to out tempo every other deck. Outside those main Fae, all the deck needs are ways to help capitalize on what the deck already does. There's a lot of ways you can build the deck around that creature core.
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