Pity they're unlisted as I am sure you had interesting ideas like this one
It is not a case of impacting the board state but rather a way around the Bitterblossom life loss making you being able to last longer in a game of attrition. There are of course other ways this can be tackled like Bastion of Remembrance but at the cost of losing board state by blocking with your tokens.In all honesty I wouldn't remove Bitterblossom from the deck as you'd need blockers to protect against difficult to remove creatures and deal the finishing blow.
If you are afraid of the bitterblossom drain then why not consider Blind Obedience. It's another way of controlling their board state while also allowing you some life gain of your own with each spell you cast as a response.
It's been a while since I saw one of your decks pop up on the main page.Have you considered side-boarding cards like Rise of the Dread Marn, In Oketra's Name and Ghoulcaller's Chant?They might be interesting ways to spruce the deck up should you go against more challenging opponents.
Funnily enough I have been using this site on-and-off since 2008 under the username Anon (before I lost access to it) and just didn't bother to try to reclaim it so I created this account instead.The player pool has changed since then, fewer interactions and constructive discussions than there used to be :(That being said, people move on, have different priorities/agendas or other reasons to reduce the amount of effort to keep such a successful site active which we need to respect.So while I understand and agree to an extent with the overall sentiment of the comments, I can't help but thank the site creators and moderators for the effort to keep the site active. I have some good memories stored here and I'd hate to see it go up in smoke.
Love the deck idea
You need some means of ramping towards 15 mana to pull off the combo.Maybe cards like faithless looting, Seething Song and Dark Ritual may help improve your mana curve a little and get the cards you need.
Nice deck concept, might I suggest Ugin, the Spirit Dragon for that added board control instead of Nevinyrral's Disk.That way you don't destroy your board.
A very daring deck to say the least, be wary when using this as the double damage effects will hurt you as much as your opponents.Also, the god mechanic in a 1v1 setting is very dangerous to you if you don't have a solid answer that punishes them or removes the threat entirely.Might I suggest you consider adding white to your deck to give you such effects, otherwise I really like your style.
Nice version of the Myr deck, really focusing on the +1/+1 combo.Might I suggest you consider the card "Clear the Mind" so you can rebuild your deck with the coloured permanents you may lose.
Yes deck manipulation is important when it comes to strategy like this.Karn, Scion of Urza for example is something I was going to suggest as it has a good engine but reveals your plan too quickly with the added benefit of creating token which get large pretty quick and are good chump blockers.
Nice and efficient, love it
Okay understandable, so maybe consider the following Aphetto Dredging or Patriarch's Bidding. The latter is more dangerous as if you're going against another tribal deck this might backfire on you.
Always nice seeing one of your decks, especially a revisit.Keep it up mate.
Interesting casual deck, haven't seen this commander before.Wonder how many double-faced artifacts there are in MTG as I feel there is a good combo somewhere in the making.
I suggest you consider Haunting Voyage for a quick come back should you face a board wipe, otherwise good deck.
Have you considered some cards to make your deck stronger?Some cards to consider: Blacksmith's Skill, Depose // Deploy, Frantic Salvage, Machinate, Planar Incision, Emergency Weld, Rise and Shine, Efficient Construction, Michiko's Reign of Truth
Love your version of the deck, one issue is that you have your commander in the deck twice.Once in the command zone and the other in the actual deck.
Love the deck design and the theme keep it up :)
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