Thanks for the suggestions, I added Cut a Deal and removed a card I felt didn't quite fit the theme.
Looks great from my end, hope the play testing goes well for you.I might just try and make an EDH version of this unique idea.Will keep you posted if I manage to start thinking of one.
To add to dknight27's suggestions, I have done some research on the matter and there are quite a few other cards that allow you to give tokens to your opponent. Here's a list of them for you to consider:Grismold, the Dreadsower, Sylvan Offering, Tempt with Vengeance, Eiganjo Uprising and Curse of the SwineAs a compliment to the pillow cards Angel's Trumpet is a good card to make them suffer post-combat.I like the deck concept, hope you can manage to make it work.
Many thanks for the like and suggestions, I tweaked the deck slightly.I try to avoid looking at expensive cards like Cabal Coffers and Cabal Stronghold to keep my decks affordable to anyone who wishes to try them out. That is unless they are crucial for the deck to function and I have no choice in the matter.
I've been going through some of my deck ideas for an affinity build and thought you'd like to know about these cards:Machinate - a good way to tutor for that critical card based on the number of artefacts you have in playMonumental Corruption - a good damage dealer should you not be able to connect with your creatures (rather high in mana though)Welding Jar - Another zero cost artefact which gives regenerate (even to non-creature artefacts)Override - That classic counter spellIrradiate - For those big boys/girls you might faceDesynchronization - A good board clear for the finishing blow (four mana but a good card)I have other card ideas but they are more for slow meta affinity decks rather than the fast build you are going with.
Thanks for bringing back memories of when I started playing the game seriously.One suggestion, Cranial Plating and you'd have a quick win deck easy.
What is your goal with this deck? To generate a lot of Energy?If so might I suggest cards like Satya, Aetherflux Genius, Izzet Generatorium and Aether Refinery.I would also suggest some finishers like Electrostatic Pummeler, Razorfield Ripper and Whirler VirtuosoOtherwise, great deck :)
If you want to make the deck a little broken maybe consider Conspiracy, Orah, Skyclave Hierophant and Profane Prayers.The first will ensure all creatures on your side of the board are clerics which will also pair well with Profane Prayers.Also Orah can also fix your graveyard issue and keep your board stocked.
If you're going for a red/green build like you said then maybe consider Replicating Ring as a compliment Svella's ability to create more snow permanents.
This looks really good mate, well done. :)
Many thanks for the idea, will remove a card to include it.I also replaced a mountain to include Forbidden Orchard as an extra mana fix and blocker generator.
Have you considered cards like Master's Call, Myr Kinsmith, Myr Matrix and Myrsmith?
Thanks for reminding me about this old mechanic, completely slipped my mind.Going to try and build an EDH deck around it.In the meantime, here are some card ideas for you to consider (giving you cheap options):General Marhault Elsdragon, Noble Quarry, Shinen of Life's Roar, Roar of Challenge, Predatory Rampage, Retaliation, Invasion Plans and No Quarter
Pity they're unlisted as I am sure you had interesting ideas like this one
It is not a case of impacting the board state but rather a way around the Bitterblossom life loss making you being able to last longer in a game of attrition. There are of course other ways this can be tackled like Bastion of Remembrance but at the cost of losing board state by blocking with your tokens.In all honesty I wouldn't remove Bitterblossom from the deck as you'd need blockers to protect against difficult to remove creatures and deal the finishing blow.
If you are afraid of the bitterblossom drain then why not consider Blind Obedience. It's another way of controlling their board state while also allowing you some life gain of your own with each spell you cast as a response.
It's been a while since I saw one of your decks pop up on the main page.Have you considered side-boarding cards like Rise of the Dread Marn, In Oketra's Name and Ghoulcaller's Chant?They might be interesting ways to spruce the deck up should you go against more challenging opponents.
Funnily enough I have been using this site on-and-off since 2008 under the username Anon (before I lost access to it) and just didn't bother to try to reclaim it so I created this account instead.The player pool has changed since then, fewer interactions and constructive discussions than there used to be :(That being said, people move on, have different priorities/agendas or other reasons to reduce the amount of effort to keep such a successful site active which we need to respect.So while I understand and agree to an extent with the overall sentiment of the comments, I can't help but thank the site creators and moderators for the effort to keep the site active. I have some good memories stored here and I'd hate to see it go up in smoke.
Love the deck idea
You need some means of ramping towards 15 mana to pull off the combo.Maybe cards like faithless looting, Seething Song and Dark Ritual may help improve your mana curve a little and get the cards you need.
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