If you want a really broken combo I have another for you:Ravenous Intruder + Ornithopter + Pia's Revolution = Infinitely large creatue (if opponent allows it)
Awesome build
From what I'm seeing, you have a problem with the energy you generated from Servant of the Conduit as it will force you to use them on Greenbelt Rampager. So I suggest you play Longtusk Cub to absorb exactly two energy counters and therefore avoid Greenbelt's condition.
Guys you are forgetting Pia's Revolution is for non-token artifacts only and the Scavenger only works if the converted mana cost is greater than the card you are fishing out. The colossus has a second effect that allows you to fish him out of the graveyard by sacrificing two artifacts hence triggering Pia's Revolution twice. I'd discard him using Genius and just keep pulling him up when I want.The dreadnought and siege combo is just so that I have a distraction should my opponent be control heavy plus as an early game finisher if I'm lucky.As per the lack of mana for the Colossus, I added Hijack just to troll my opponent and maybe get him out faster (plus sacrifice the artifact after for kicks).
Thanks for the suggestion missed that one.
Awesome deck idea ;)
Looks great as always DedWards ;)
Great idea, will add them to the deck.
Thanks for the Haunted Dead idea, needed the extra creature base. I wasn't focusing much on blue so as to avoid going for dual colors and having to search for mana. Cemetery recruitment is just there for an extra card draw mechanic, while Ghoulcaller's chant is my quick escape if too many of my important creatures end up in the graveyard. Thanks once again for the suggestions.
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