overwhelming goes out sept 30 as it is from m11. This is post rotation. Otherwise i'd be using it. great card.
Triumph of the Hordes vs. Overrun?
reliquary is a great idea! thanks!
Swing for massive damage turn 4. I can make them all turn 3.
hmmm, didn't think about that. I thought it was to prevent mill, but it would allow me to reshuffle treasure hunts. might mess up though because i want to treasure hunt a treasure hunt not an eldrazi.
oh, and u need some bloodghasts and a minimum of 20 to 22 lands.
4 gatekeeper 4 kalastra highborn 4 viscera seer 4 vampire night hawks. Play as many small vamps as you can in a captivating vamp deck. kalastra and Viscera together can often be a game win. Sacrifice creatures u grab from them with captivating or some of your weenies to deal 2 and gain 2.
Spike shot elder would be great in here. Much better than Flamekin spitfire and some of the other ones.
i dont see how you are going to play grapeshot without birchlore. Add at least 1 or 2 mountains.
I'm honestly not scared about milling myself. As long as there is another nonland permanant when i treasure hunt then im fine. And this deck is either going to go off or it isn't there is no in between. Either I win by turn 5 or its game basically.
I really don't want to add more cards to the deck. Yes i do see where you are coming from about chandra and sorins vengease but meh. I don't know. Just doesn't seem worth it. I do know red has great man lands though. I do happen to have an extra chandra... but not worth it. Thanks for suggestions tho.
I think a 4th elvish arch druid is a no brainer. -1 llanowar for it in my opinion.
Yea, After testing the tutors dont do a damn. I'm taking them out.
Oh! I'll add halimar depths! that will be perfect. Get some scrying basically and I dont have to worry about it slowing down treasure hunt.
How did it do? I can't wait to playtest this more than just hand draws. I just dont know if i cant kill fast enough unless i start w treasure hunt + zombie infestation unless i start w it or draw it quickly.
I have no clue what you're trying to say. But preordain and ponder will slow me down because im trying to treasure hunt unless u mean as a replacement for tutor.
This deck almost looked like an edh deck at first.... that isnt a good thing. Stop playing so many singles and play at least 3x of the good cards. Make it play consistantly.
p.s great deck name. and 4x dark rituals all the way.
lashwrithe and basilisk collar could be cool to replace some other equips.
I've been toying with an illusion deck as well.. I think white is un-needed. Just slows you down. Even sun titan isn't needed. I do like consecrated sphinx in there though. Add grand architect, drop white, and add steel hellkites or wurmcoils, or batterskull.
121-140 of 255 items