What do you mean? Yes It would be a loop dealing Infinite Damage to them.
Yea your right, Slagwurm is still prolly the way to go. Although the lightning greaves let me protect from exile spells. It's a trade off. perhaps Ill put both in sideboard and play depending on deck type.
Thanks, I'll have to see if there are any local.
What if instead of Slagwurm armor I played Lightning Greaves? I could just unequip and re-equip when i needed to cast my enchants or tap since it has 0 cost equip. Gives it shroud. And just ignore my question. I googled it.
Yeah, I just play with a bunch of my friends but we still try to stick between Vintage and Legacy. I've never gone to an FNM, don't really know what it is. I know its FridayNightMagic but is it like official or what? Maybe I should just be google searching this...
Added Isochrons. That'd be cool to play with any of my instants. Its a shame Tinker is restricted to 1. :(
That sounds like a sick combo. I'm keeping that one a secret from my friends haha. Well, I added some artifact lands. (they are listed with the artifacts which is dumb) That should help with Tinker. Need to add Isochron still. Do you think its worth adding 1 or 2 still even if im only running holy day instead of Orim's Chant?
Well, in reality I think Orim's Chant is a little overpriced for what I'm looking for. Might just have to stick with a Holy Day. Which would still be pretty Sick. I happen to have Isochron Scepters already though.
Would I actually be able to search for lets say a sol ring or something with mystical tutor because its a mana source?
Hmmm Damn, you're right about the -1/-1. Deffinately gonna need a sideboard.
Hmm... Yea I agree but I think its straying from the point. I'll give it some thought.
AH, thats a sweet idea. The Azorious signet would work well. Maybe I could even throw in a few of those artifact lands so I dont impede into my 40 for non land as much.
The deck above is headed towards the first set of leader boards. Please just a few more comments. Still need some help getting combo off sooner!
Green? What green cards. I don't see how that would help too much. And Yea, I do think I'll add sol rings. I think I will drop 2x Fabricates for the enlightened tutors (they are a little expensive though) but worth it.
I do like the Final 3 you suggested. Slightly Nervous about Pact of Negation, perhaps I'll give it a try. I personally don't see the appeal in mage of Zhalfir other than being able to finish them on their turn after they tap up. Considering dropping a couple Icy Manipulators for counters of some sort. opinions?
Or maybe even both?
I do like lotus petal, but Maybe a sol ring would work better? Im unsure.
I love wall of frost. Check that one out.
Does Training Grounds Work for leveling? Is leveling considered and ability?
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=141843 This Is my ally deck, It is green and white but I feel like you are missing some key creatures of those colors. Like... Kazandu Blade Master for Example or maybe even Kabira Evangel.
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