add Triskelion, it would add another win condition
add Viashino Sandscout it is basically the same as glitterfang
i'll give you one thing, it isnt the cookie cutter rats deck. that is a very good thing
the deck needs Sigil of the Empty Throne
fine, happy now. by the way i wasnt giving excuses just explaining why i picked the cards i did.
i may replace him with the goblin that gives all your creatures first strike
i like boros for the first strike, if i can kill an opponents monster that means he has to put a monster in on his next turn or he cant block another of my creatures
if i remove some lands i would put in instigator
i picked chiftan because i wanted the +1/+1 while being able to keep the haste.
the point is to have alot of creatures out as fast as possible. each of the non 3 CMC (before piledriver) had a purpose; caterwauling basically gives me another war drums, goblin chieftain gives every goblin haste and +1/+1 allowing me to attack with every creature as soon as it is out while giving me a chance to kill at least one of the blocking creatures, mogg marshal gives me more goblins. i did add piledriver
i forgot to mention that ideas unbound is for when i have no cards in hand. with ringleader only goblins would stay in hand put i may want some of the other cards i could draw. thanks for the comment though
the goblins in the deck are made to get out as soon as possible so i kept them all at 1 cmc. with ideas unbound i can draw three cards, then play most of them thus skipping the discard part of the card. this deck isnt made to search for goblins, it is made to overrun the opponent because they cant block all of my creatures.
im not sure how good it would be against a fast one on one deck but i can see it destroying people in the 3+ games
also, Forbidden Orchard works really well with defense of the heart
take a look at urza's incubator, it would reduce the cost of your angels
take a look and elf druid land control by req, he does a good job at achieving a strategy with a elf druid deck.
take out timberwatch and essence warden for wellwisher and Immaculate Magistrate. add Elvish Archdruid as well. maybe look at alpha status as well.
this deck doesnt need 25 forest, elves have alot of mana accel. remove at least 5 lands and add either more elves or a card like Gaea's Anthem
The main reason i picked tarfire was that it is a goblin card and therefore recruiter and ringleader's affects will work on it.
To many one of's. Try to limit the number of single cards in your deck. Focus on a theme for the deck and put complete playsets of cards in. If you dont have playsets, have as many of the each card as you can.
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