Desire is one thing, but varolz ability can make any creature in the graveyard into a pump spell.Most of the selfmill is centered on black and green creatures which can serve as both pump and things to pump.I'm particularly fond of the two nasty voles bit that was brought to us by the three sets.Mill based voles are down with trolls ;)It doesn't get more monstrous than that.[[Ravenous gigamole]] [[excavation mole]][[Graf mole]]You can also [[dig deep]] with [[colossal badger]]But thats a bit outlandish and probably illegal;)
Selfmill is quite a thing in the most 3 recent sets.
If you want more focus on hand of emrakul, there's another red spawn spell, and white has a bunch of repopulate spells...
[[Surge of might]]The deck was deleted.
I guess congratulations are in order ;)3 months to refine it is a bit on the slow end though.My older methods could do it from scratch within a month.Still, it's a big step...It's a 76 players event, but the data sheet only lists 75 archetypes. Could be a kiddy deck or something very rogue ish missing.The first place got lucky against reanimator by being exceptionally prepared for reanimator strategies, despite only 3 graveyard based decks attending.
With all the deathtouch, I assume that the removal in this deck is meant to kill combo creatures which usually don't interact in combo(And this guess is supported by the low cost)Most combo creatures tend to have a low life though, so perhaps there is a way to improve on the whole removal theme.I've sort of plastered how gift of fangs is great with changelings, but might it not be usable in a deck with "real" vampires ?And viridian longbow is usually a troll card, but it supports deathtouch pretty well, and does support the concept of killing of combo creatures by being a longterm solution.
So, your busy gatekeeping the internet so people won't know what's good in the brother's war :)Clever enough ploy.And you overlap it by posting massive fake tournaments during the time. Also clever.But this is the internet.Nothing remains unhidden forever.
I've read you swear you'd made one at least three times.1500 + decks does that.It's part of why I decided to cut down most of my own stuff.
You've made a bunch.Last time you were actually sure that you HAD made one but somehow couldn't find it.
Sure, keep on necroing this page ;)But be aware that you might make people curious about me, which will make them look at my decks, and let's be frank, the will see a lot of effort put into fighting spammers, which will get them to think about who the real bad guy is :)I mean look at the decks mtgblackman is listing, and then the ones that I list.Whom do you think will be more interesting to follow :)So go ahead, redirect them to me by all means...
Part of the older nic fit package was recursion. Eternal witness was usually part of that shell, and allowed you to perform the broken moves basically each turn by replaying cards in the graveyard. In more recent times eternal witness & collected company were the recursion shell that dominated the 2018's
Price on undying evil might have gone up due to "R B scam".
Well, if you are him, at least you get the idea.They made several fake accounts trying to take over your name and essence.Me they've only made one mock account of, meaning you were a better target for some reason.(The mock account is wickedbarkman)You will discover that they spam over every talented deckpage you write, but there is a time where the team as a whole "goes to sleep" and posting after that point does make your stuff visible.Anyways most users you will encounter in here are spammers, but the tags you use make your decks searchable to the world, so you do get a minimum of your stuff to be seen, but not necessarily by magic players.One of them has a habit of using sexbased tags so horny people get searches with mtg instead, and some lash out their sexual frustrations by trolling in here for a while.My own motives for staying is that there are no magic forums not controlled by spammers like this, so I'm causing awareness of them with counter spam.Almost all of my posts contains a copypasted warning about it.
Heh, I could ask you many questions only sorin would know :)Except there are numerous sorinmarkov's on mtgvault.Which one of them would you be ?
Currently the small-mill card that I'm favouring is zulaport duelist because it defends from damage twice, once when it's cast, and second when it blocks. It will also devastate the smaller creatures in aggro, and likely at a point they don't understand.I remember you as a cheerful guy, who posted rogue stuff with a serious side to it, but some people was trying to hold you down and drag you into the mud. I can state that they are the majority now.Almost all new accounts are by spammers, trying to manipulate the meta with bad decks, mostly by posting good decks with bad card choices inserted in them.I'm here, and I'm preparing for a more active presence both in here and on mtggoldfish which is also frequented by the same spammers.There's a chance that you are someone pretending to be sorinmarkov, but for now I'll give you the benefits of doubt:)4 zulaport duelist 2 rebuff the winds (or whatever it's called)Since you got removal, excavated walls or stream of thought might be worth a look.
There's the troll tone I know ;)
Your parents named you cherrie matt...Bwa ha ha ha.Do you know the meaning of that :)You a girl?
I mean it.There are two many similarities.I try to distinguish but it's not that easy.Would you be able to spot the difference between user wickeddarkman and user wickedbarkman with ease ?
Well if you use the mtgvault search engine to search for username Matt or cher, you will find plenty of others that I could have mistaken you with :)
Reminds me of a friend who had a mox with "kitten tooth marks"
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