
11 Decks, 4,561 Comments, 786 Reputation

There is the 3/2 phyrexian zombie for BB.
It's a hint that the zombie tribe will be expanded by phyrexians, and it hints that we are going to see aggressive drone like phyrexians first, and then we will probably get connected abilities during autumn.

Posted 04 September 2022 at 12:22 in reply to #648358 on BD: Phyrexian Perfection


Dominaria is supposed to be a 4 set cycle, featuring "spring", "summer", "autumn" and "winter"

You'll have to be patient for the "winter" set :(

Posted 04 September 2022 at 09:52 as a comment on BD: Phyrexian Perfection


Yeah it does :)
Theres still a ton of details that I'm looking into, like exactly how many overlaps is needed to have something really powerfull. It's not something I will get to for a long time though.

Posted 02 September 2022 at 05:50 in reply to #648331 on BD: Burn and... Mill?


Okay types :)

Posted 01 September 2022 at 14:10 in reply to #648321 on Atraxa's Wonderful Friends


From first eksperimenting with names like proto"types"hogun he decided to try out being named typer which lead to a few clumsy names.

Then the poor smuck reverted to just call himself "type" and later narrowed it down to ty.

I guess orisi is a way to revert back to being types
Starting with username mrmojorising87

Posted 01 September 2022 at 14:04 in reply to #648321 on Atraxa's Wonderful Friends


This place has plenty of trolls, and they usually interact with me cause I taunt them endlessly.
By "low" I was referring to the joke as sexual which was a double pun on your username.
Usually japan is referred to as a culture that "reads between the lines" and are apt at getting multiple layers.

Bastardizing words is very Danish, and last time I checked, Danish and Japanese cultures have a lot in common, which is why our countries trade a lot.

That said, we have a troll that identifies himself as "types"
And orisi does translate into "types"

Trolls often use am, em, Im in front of their names, so the name you choose is basically "I'm types" in troll lingo.
Types also had a love of posing as Japanese, so you might see how I feel a bit sceptical about your background.

Also your choice of word "cringe" sort of gave it all away. Too memey.

Posted 01 September 2022 at 13:32 in reply to #648321 on Atraxa's Wonderful Friends


I've been working with halfdecks long enough to know that two random themes will have their success based on points of synergy.
Teach by example is such a point. It's a card that can work either ways.

It's simply a matter of having enough overlaps.

This is why infect has used spellskite and arbor dryad. They create an overlap between the creature strategy and the pump strategy. They lack infect, but they still act as points of synergy.

Posted 01 September 2022 at 10:41 as a comment on BD: Burn and... Mill?


Which board, and which language?

Besides why do you dislike humor?

I've heard trolls dislike humor, you are not having any "ult"erior agenda, are you?

Posted 01 September 2022 at 03:38 in reply to #648321 on Atraxa's Wonderful Friends



I'll mate liliana anytime for some "isi" amore x)

Then again, she does dance with the dead...

Posted 01 September 2022 at 02:15 in reply to #648321 on Atraxa's Wonderful Friends


In legacy people are actually considering smash to dust
(From dominaria united) so you might want to consider it too.
Legacy isn't known for having walls, so the fact that the card is considered there makes it considerable in modern. (Especially because modern does have decks with walls)

Posted 01 September 2022 at 01:43 as a comment on UR Prowess


I wouldn't call it "ult".

I would rather try to catchphrase "ulti", mate :)
(And, the pun becomes so much better)

You could even go with the "low" pun instead.

I "mate" my liliana does have a certain ring to it.

Posted 01 September 2022 at 00:05 as a comment on Atraxa's Wonderful Friends


Breaker of "a mis"

Posted 31 August 2022 at 22:08 in reply to #648319 on Kitty Time


Commune with spirits can help you get the right creature, and will help out if you ever get a 1 land hand.

Treva's charm will be nice with this.

There are many other hushbringer creatures.

You might want to try to focus on bite spells rather than fight spells. Bite spells are fight spells where the opponent's creature don't get to fight back, and most bite spells can hit planeswalkers.

Posted 31 August 2022 at 17:07 as a comment on Dreadnaughty


Painter's servant might have been part of the original build.

Posted 29 August 2022 at 08:25 in reply to #648294 on Channel Fun


It peaked in 2012, then died out, though a few clung to it during 2013-2019.
After that it was completely forgotten until now.

Posted 29 August 2022 at 08:18 in reply to #648292 on Ghalta go Rawr!


"Rawr" used to be quite the meme in mtgvault.
Around the 2013 period.

Posted 28 August 2022 at 05:52 as a comment on Ghalta go Rawr!


What hates bogles can hate infect.
The spear is good, and you do have stoneforge mystic.

Infect is out there, but about as present as hexproof, so together they sit on about 1% of the meta.

It seems the spear is holding both decks back.

Back in 2018 spellskite was more or less the move, so back then they all had 3-4 artifact removal in the sb to deal with it.

I guess in 2022 all it would take would be for a smart hex/infect player to have 3-4 annul in sb :)

Regionals came by Copenhagen it seems. 400+ decks ended up on mtggoldfish.

Posted 23 August 2022 at 20:05 in reply to #648268 on Modern Doom Patrol-Competitive


If hexproof or infect is in the meta you will need some serious luck.
Otherwise a well rounded list.

Posted 23 August 2022 at 17:51 as a comment on Modern Doom Patrol-Competitive


I guess floodhound says "blubbi-dubbi-doo"

Posted 23 August 2022 at 05:30 as a comment on EDH: Mystery Inc.


You got 2 less lands than the average build, so you will get in trouble with your mana when you are unlucky.

One of my own solutions have been [[snapback]], because it can be played for free and can save you from something big or boosted.
The loss of a blue spell is better than the loss of the game.

Also, Since murktide is 13% of the meta, you will often get in a fight with another murker and they will be able to steel stuff from you faster with ragavan because they draw more lands. Snapback can make sure that doesn't happen.

Posted 23 August 2022 at 05:06 as a comment on Izzet Murktide


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