all your cards cost so much without any mana/land ramping. you are going to get overwhelmed. drop the Rot Wolf and add Treefolk Harbinger mainboard. add 4 maelstrom pulse sideboard. Doran is legendary so -1. -1 Lord of Extinction too. add at least 2 ways to gain life cuz you will need it (not sure about Wurmcoil Engine). maybe Vexing Shusher when vs blue. quick cheap way to get some cards into the graveyard is Shriekhorn. good luck!
-1 Coat of Arms, -1 Patriarch's Bidding, +3 Sign In Blood.. yes 61 cards
nice idea for a deck. i feel you have a lot of high cost cards while not having a better way to drop lands for High Tide.
blue sun is actually more slow than you might think. better off with a Foresee. take out a Jace's Erasure and add another Traumatize
nice deck but Fuel for the Cause might cost too much versus faster decks
if you are going to use metalcraft, make sure you can keep 3 artifacts on the board. Inkmoth Nexus too?
nice deck! i don't feel you need the Green Sun's Zenith tho
Luminarch Ascension?
somehow my mouse feels warmer now.. maybe add some Slagstorm!!
-1 Nantuko Shade, +1 Go for the Throat
-1 Wurmcoil Engine, -1 Horrifying Revelation, -1 Mimic Vat +1 Memoricide, +1 Gatekeeper of Malakir, +1 Abyssal Persecutor
have you had much luck with Garruk's Companion? want to add some lifelink with Armadillo Cloak?
maybe add some lifelink like Armadillo Cloak?
i feel Ajani's Pridemate is too slow or vulnerable. add Vines of Vastwood into your sideboard?
nice deck. i feel you would be better off with 4 Canopy Cover
do you think adding Sovereigns of Lost Alara to my deck would help or be too hard to cast?
nice defensive additions. your deck draws more cards than mine. what do you think about my Gnarlid deck?
replace Wall of Omens with Leonin Relic-Warder
need another win condition. what if you play against first strike or deathtouch creatures
you can list what you want to happen on each turn, but what if you don't draw them exactly and if your opponent attacks. maybe add some counterspells or another way to win
141-160 of 219 items