Corrupt is nice but too hard to cast. add 2 Consuming vapors. cheaper to cast, removes 2 creatures, gains life too. now it is only $1 on ChannelFireball
add 2 Cloudthresher
i suggest adding some board wrath or multi-permanent removal. otherwise you need to draw more cards to keep your advantage
Forced Fruition is nice but you are rarely going to be able to play it in your games. unless it is a very casual multiplayer. you can use the two slots to draw more cards for yourself
really like your idea. you know you can play with over 60 cards right? you could add some counterspells or removal.
nice deck. why not 3 inkmoth tho
like your theme. have you considered somehow adding the new Neurok Invisimancer from Beseiged?
probably don't need 4 Blight Mamba or Hand of the Praetors. consider Garruk. helps you mana and easier to cast than Overrun
really like your idea. i feel you might get too many hands which you can't do what you want
you have 2 extra Backlash in your sideboard. maybe add Chandra?
love the title. i think you have too many lobsters. you are playing blue.. so add some draw to play more of them. a bigger invasion!
-4 Caravan Escort +4 Student of warfare
or Morbid Plunder to bring 2 back from the grave
-1 Stone Rain +1 Pillage
since you are playing with a lot of creatures.. -2 Intimidation Bolt and -2 Branching Bolt, consider Lead the Stampede 2G
not sure if this would help but Morbid Plunder might help bring back creatures
you already play Contagion clasps so you dont need the 6 mana cost Engines. not sure you need to worry about your opponent's nonbasic manlands. you might want to add Into the Roil to bounce Quests with enough counters to sac, dangerous Planeswalkers, ect
Cultivate 2G (thanks to elves) on turn 2 would really help you ramp. another Garruk will make your fun more consistent
you already have throne of geth for prolif. Plaguemaw Beast costs a lot of mana. you could add Viridian Emissary to help early defense and put a few lands onto your field to help cast Fangren later with. Pistus Strike is nice but what if your opponent is not playing flying creatures. since you are playing black, you could replace it with Go for the Throat or something against opponent weenies like 1 contagion engine
i feel you don't have enough creatures. seriously lacking defense. this might be just a fun deck but you could add a few mass removal spells.
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