Vampire Hexmage is only BB and it kills Planeswalkers much more easily. 3 to 4 in your sideboard instead of spellbomb
i feel the Grindclock is way too slow. maybe rather a mind rot to make the opponent have less threats in hand.
you probably will lose more life than you would like to using 4 dark tutelage
just an opinon.. you should be better off with 3 Garruk if you don't mind playing with 61 cards. 60 is not the limit.
deck looks nice but Cruel Ultimatum might be too hard to cast. maybe add 3 Ratchet Bomb to your sideboard to deal with fast tokens.
just trying to help you with ideas.. Armored Ascension 3W, Canopy Cover if Thrun is too hard to win with, something useful instead of Spider Umbra
what about Conqueror's Pledge? at least 2 Day of Judgements will help if the opponent gets the upper hand
Vector Asp won't help much. a few Ratchet Bombs will help you in the current Standard
nice idea but you are really lacking creatures. put your sword on a harder creature your opponent can't deal with. consider adding 2 Vampire Hexmage to your sideboard. Planeswalkers are hard to deal with
in my opinion.. vector asp won't help you do much. you're playing black. you can't beat Inquisition of Kozilek on turn 1. see what you are up against and take away their removal spells
Scute mob is nice but won't last that long. maybe keep two but add other efficient creatures like Kozilek's Predator. add 2 to 3 Garruk Wildspeaker to make this deck fun!
it is nice to have thrummingbird and contagion clasp/engine to proliferate with, but you have to make sure you poison the opponent sooner somehow.. or have other ways to spread counters to prolif. i feel the core prowler is not worth 4 mana. you would be better off drawing more cards or adding protection via counterspells or Magnets.
I like how you're adding infect to the Gnarlids. Sun Titan seems like a nice idea but you can't depend on your Birds so much. What if some opponent burns them with Pyroclasm. Maybe you could consider Sylvan Ranger or Cultivate to make sure you have an advantage
Bonehoard dont need 4, Tempered Steel at least 2
-4 Galvanic Blast, since you dont have any artifacts. +4 Arc Trail
nice deck. just my opinion.. -1 Signal Pest, -1 Duress, +2 Inquisition of Kozilek
seems quite nice. maybe add a lifegain possibility =)
add some buffing up like Distortion Strike or Vampire's Bite
nice deck but you have to add something against Kudoltha fast goblins and Quest. add Pyroclasm or Slagstorm ect
nice idea but do you really need 4 of so many. would be nice to have more removal or creatures, ect
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