Not the counter card i feel. i love the card in modern. and in legacy.. but for standard purpose.. not so hot
have you tested out your overrun yet?... I would like to know if it is good in the deck? i know your trying to go for the late game win, but i dont think it may be a good option.
totally fine LOL i was wondering why they wernt in your deck before
"it is a standard 60 card deck" this is what he said..... so dont get all pissy over a mis interpret.
this deck just seems like its doing to much.... stick with a plan, and then add more cards to kill your oponent.....
I like what your sayin'. But i do have a point with the spell bomb. Even tho you have surg. extract, most people that ive seen puts that inside their deck for Phatty solar flair, Phatty control, and mono red aggro. I will still keep the bombs in my board. but i will side despise and keep how extract is in their. is there any other card that should be in my main board?
yes i am not the biggest fan of it, and i will look at your deck and comment on it for ya. :). but i will agree with you.. there are times and places that snappy is meant for... it just wasn't for this deck.. and if you want i can show you my style of snap caster for standard? :)
so, what im hearing is that your tapping a Second razorverge thicket when you put it on the field second turn? Tech. the first 3 turns that card may be put out before it becomes a dead draw.... so if your have was 3 razorverge, one fiend hunter, 1 mayor, 1 hero, and 1 pilgrim. your first 3 turns can be: t1; razorverge and a pilgrim t2: razorverge and a mayor T3: razorverge and a hero... but once you hit t4: razorverge *tapped in* then you only have the other 3 lands to work with... see what I'm saying? it should actually speed up a deck. that's why there a buck or 2 more than the sun petals.
how is this standard? i am confused... second if this is a deck for legacy.... 7 turn win will not let you "win"... unless this is your casual deck...
i would take menal misstep out.. up your snags and add one more way to draw....
I'll tell you just like how i told Jesterx. If you want a card in your deck, but another card does the exact same thing or very close to it...then play it. if your tight on money..then go with what your finance says. but if a card does it 1 cmc higher and cost less... why not put it in.. but in my opinion... i would put in the cackling counter part more than metamorph. because it does the same thing.. except the metamorph can be an artifact.. it doesnt half to morph into another creature.. so you decide. :)
thanks, i just dont like the deck and feel it really doesnt compliment thrun well...
gavony township sucks if you cant use its effect.
more than that, you have the dual lands, your Set lands *like kessig wolf*, you have inkmoth, and you also have your own if your playing against somone who likes to mess with your color pool.. thats why they are there.
I would consider both boots and daggers.
oh no keep it standard. i need it to be.. going to have this at an fnm event
nice i will half to look at everyting you said. i like the twin idea and i like the GFTT... despise is a great card to use and memoricide is good for the 2nd and third game.. i like the others i will half to keep looking at it. dont know what i will be doing for sure but hell ya looks like you know your b/u control LOL
hero of oxid? hero of bladehold? fiend hunter? innistrad daggers? swords? cleavers? were is all the burn help? were is anything? im not trying to be rude,,,, but it just doesnt look as great as it can be....
phy swarmlord? were is skittles? how about GSZ so you can get a swarmlord or a putrefax/? why is BW inside this deck? you want to swarm your opponent not give them something to block... lessen the clasps down to 3 of. were is glistener elf? please dont take my comment in any wrong way.. im very picky when people make infect decks... there is alot more i can say about were is.. but i prolly overstepped my line.. only some opinions of mine..... :)
Jay, I love wurmcoil just as the next guy who wants hollows for it, but wurmcoil shouldnt be in it... now batterskull is a different story. if he wants his opponent to shit his pants on turn 5.... then that is something he should consider... and clancy... yes it will... if he is aiming at a late game formation, then this will really squirm his opponent to skuping
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