jarret, that sounds like a bad ass card how can i forget about that! it would make the game more interesting indeed. :) thanks for the advice any more would be awesome from ya bro
forgot about the prime hunny... ill re look into him and add him somewhere..
I see what you mean. are you in a budget style deck? if not, lets get this more rares and more cards that may be epic for it :) fist and foremost, i would add sad robot *solem sim*. great fetch and draw creature he is like the snapcaster of fetch :). next, i would add hinterland harbor instead of the island and some forests. reason: so you can cast curse of echoes faster and you would have more probability for it. i would also add some sort of knocker. add thrun or maybe vorapede. if your going to have that red mana in it, then i would add copper gorge or the R/B dual from 2012. another thing i found useful when i played FNM earlier today was... *drum roll* heartless summoning.. used my buddies R?B heartless Edward. found it really fun and it went 4-1.... it was cause of HS that i won most of my games. its an unappreciative card. also memorcide or surge extract. for exile. more creature hate bro. naturalize, doomblade, GFTT, feels good to be black !! :P some things to look into :)
then if i go red/green then i would switch up and incorporate some burn spells and inferno tits. :P trying to keep it mono green. BUT i will try and see what i can think of. beast within and prey upon is too epic of a card. going to start and fine tuning it now :P plus i gatta give more advice on your deck .. 3for 3
well you have given great advice on it :)
ty he and i both worked very hard.. he did most of the work. i told him to keep making it better :)
its modern. for a PTQ
i see your point :) thanks! i was thinking on adding surg. extract. because when i counter, i can make sure they cant use their main guys? that plausible?
ya idk why i didnt have rampant growth in there... it should be in there to get out creatures by turn 3 or 4. ill take out over run. and your right about the whole life isnt always an option. and i just saw predator ooze. im going to try and incorporate that little beast in here :) is there any other advice you can think of *really wanna fine tune this for the perfect percentage.*
then why are you playing pod then? if that is the case then i would not use pod at all.... and then you should go more with: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=265017 its Jun'ya Iyanaga's kessig wolf run deck. with some of my twists into it
yeah? that does sound intresting on it. i did think of it when searching thew the stocks. anyway to slim it down? so the %'s are almost perfect?
hmm curse base deck... i like :) if that is the case i would add curse of stalked prey/curse of pierce heart into the deck.. reason: bitterhear witch gets it out for free, 2) birds can act as a mountain if need be. and question? why is the island in there? you state named cards are in place of the new DA cards. if you need a island then use your birds. free's up 1 spot. I really like the idea. use more of the curse cards then :) thanks for the comment. is there any advice you would give to help my stompy deck?
np gimmie 3 likes i give you 3 likes back :P
you have way to much going on.. slim it down and do one style....
i like what you are saying dude. why not add ranger's guile to the mix too? that would make kilnfiend hexproof and then we can use the other floating mana for distortion strike if we dont get an island out :P
yes but muddle is in there for the transmute bruh
nice bro. i like the wee drags. sorta like kilnfiend but 1 more cmc. and i do see your point on gitax probe. it does need some more draw. is there anything else you can think of ? i am the one who plays standard tournaments and he is the one who loves modern decks :) so its very different for both of us to compensate cards :P
that does sound better im making my own on mine since we both have put some thought into it. hope we can bring this into lincoln ne :P
what would you reccomend...
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