Looking forward to it!
It's not really that competitive, but with a bit of luck it gets really explosive
I know, the card is wicked good, but i didn't want it in here, thanks for the comment though
Great suggestion, put it into the sideboard for now, as o don't know what to cut and whatnot
Tell me what you think, please, any expirience? Suggestions?
I've made a different version of this in reality, using most of these, but i changed a lot of the dragons out for shapeshiftrrs and dragons of tarkir dragons, works very well, it's my favorite commander deck.
and on a sidenotye, 20 lands is kinda what i've always played with, unless there are something special about the deck that dictates me to think different, but i'm usually very comfortable with one third of my deck being lands.
i kinda just made it on a whim one night i couldn't sleep, but i'm going to look more at it and rework it and add a sideboard after i get to touch and think about the dragons of tarkir cards, maybe it'll even make it with me to a tournament or something, but then again, i'm also really exited about the exploit defender deck i'm building :-D
sooo, i take it that the deck's not gonna work? x)
I saw it earlier, it's basicly the ban list for my edh group, it's no fun with infinity combos :) but the deck is cool, really
Good point, but still, it's a two card combo with high mana costs, i would like to see you build a modern deck around it, because me with my limited expirience can't see a way to make it work faster on a consistant basis.
You need a sac outlet like maw of the obsedat or a wampire of some sort
Triskelion is a 1/1 to begin with, it doesn't work like that
http://www.mtgvault.com/turbototo/decks/modular-automaton/I'm a big fan of artifacts, and getting into modern is something i want to do, so i'm just wondering if turn 5 and beyond is a good place to win? Or would this be to slow to shine? Be honest, i'm not a fan of wasting time on money on a doomed project, any good pointers to hand out?
well, then it would be a completely different deck, so it defies the pourpose of making this one better, if you understand what i mean?
yeah, she is, cool EDH deck though
mikaeus + triskelion is a good, but to slow and expensive for this, and marchesa is illegal in modern unfortunately,
Just saying in magical wonderland, that one time you manage to target our favorite hordechief with it, that would be a glorious victory ;-) but i guess it's a longshot at best
I found that mardu woe reaper and flamerush rider was nice aditions to mine, but this is a bit more spell based so i don't know,
Just post suggestions of what i should swap for what if you feel like you have a good idea, i'll proxy it and playtest it to see the balance in action once i'm happy with what i see here.
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