There are some hickups i'll have to work out over time and trial, but then again, i'm not really a fan of simple infinity combos, so i stay away from those as a rule, so painters/grindstone is out of the question for me, but i would gladly accept some advice or suggestions as to what i could do to improve it, and versatility is important to me so i'm going to be a bit reluctant to remove certain elements.
Thank you very much! rulings before you say something to someone who would believe you, i'm sorry if i sound a bit sassy, but you are wrong. This is perfectly legit in every way possible.
How about a unortodox modular deck? Any takers? ;)
You have a point, but if i wanted one of those i'd rather use golem's heart, since i'll be laying out one core prowler each round if i have a good round, and if i don't, i can sac it to proliferate.
Personaly i have search for tomorrow and kodamas reach as my favorites, since one is suspendable and the other ensures your land drop for the next round as well, and 6 lands on round 4 is usualy good enough.
I'd prefer if you'd make a suggestion as to what i should replace it with, but it is there because i personaly play against a lot of mill and mill based decks, in addition to the fact that i draw many cards, so it's there as a safety measure, and it's something to get the evolve going if i have nothing else.
I have tried it a lot, and it's taken me 6 months of tinkering to get to this, and i must admitt that once you get going, it really plays well, but what i'd like to do is to have some mana ramp (rampant growth, search for tomorrow), but from round 3 and out, people rarely dare to touch you.And i know of the card, and it would be really cool, but i can't find a spot for it without changing everything.. Soo..
Update; Doomed traveler was swapped for grudge keeper, just because thst was the only card not being a will of the council card, apart from my illusionist, wich is there to handle any mana issues i might get from missing something.
Jace's is taken out, i'm going to update all my decks and how they are at this moment when i find the time to do so, but laboratory maniac is there because in it's current form i do draw that many cards.
oh well, cool concept with this challenga anyway, the best of luck to everyone ;) "Landfall" count? because this is one of my more adaptable decks, the other ones are mainly powerhouses or psychodellic combinations..
Great idea, thanka
Liliana's it is! Good man ;) forgot about it.
Damn, oh well, i'll look into it and figure out if i'll include silence, or anything else for that matter.
Yes, but picture this: aggro burn deck, round 2 or so, ramps up a massive anmount of mana, casts 3 ligthning bolts and grapeshot, you spend 1 mana and his entire hand is gone and wasted, if this were silence it would either be to late or he would have everything ready a round later, so to me it makes more sense, since the only real threat is agro decks or spell based decks, so i just buy myself the little advantage i need to win, if you get what i mean?
That really depends on the situation, the only reason i have holy day in there is to attack with everything i've got, and not worry about leaving myself open. So i'll stick with holy day unless you have a clever reason why i shouldn't?
To bump the price down a great deal you could exchange archangel of thune, mother of runes and bassilisk collar for the sideboard, it will lessen the impact a bit, not much but a bit, but the cost of buying it will make more sense.
Rebalancing the lands is a thing i would have to do yes, but given the fact that i'm not buying this deck in any neqr furure i haven't given it much thought really, and the sanguine bond exqusite blood combo is a cheapshot in my opinion and i don't like it.. But thanks for the compliment mate.
Remove sliver construct and shock, replace them with manaveft sliver, it would really increase the speed of the deck significantly.
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