In my opinion, the post above me gives a very good point, but a Goblin deck should be so fast that their flyers will have to block your goblins just to stay in the game past turn 4 or 5! For good measure though, I would add 2 or 3, maybe 4 Shrine of Burning Rage's to stockpile to either burn out a strong creature unkillable by your Goblin swarm or to just dish out enough direct damage to finish your opponent off. Comment on my deck! B/W Lifegain FTW!
My Red/Blue Control deck with Shrine of Burning Rage as my win condition
I would add some Eldrazi Monument. Sure, they make you sac a creature every upkeep but the bonus of gaining +1/+1, Flying and Indestructible. That's hard to beat XD
Mind = blown Although I have one suggestion: In order to increase your chances of getting your sundial/mimic vat, I would consider some artifact fetch, like Shape Anew + splicers to search your deck or possibly Kuldotha Forgemaster. The deck looks great the way it is atm, but I just wanted to post something that could possibly make this deck better (if that's possible XD)
Great deck, Shrine of Burning Rage FTW XD. My two cents is this: Don't run 4 Thrummingbirds, you need to draw a Shrine before they are effective anyway so I would add cards that are more consistent in more situations. Also, Volcanic Dragon in standard is just plainly not good enough for its cost, especially in a control deck. You won't want to play that unless you can have atleast 2 mana open for a Leak threat. I would take out 1 or 2 Thrummingbirds, the Dragons, and add 3-4 Chandra's Phoenix's or Slagstorm's (whatever your more worried about, extra damage and a blocker or board clear/possible finishing burn).
I would take out one of the Negate's and add another Kor Firewalker. Red is your worst enemy XD Also, IDK about the Eldrazi Conscription, it doesn't seem to fit your deck and I think you will have alot of games where it is stuck in your hand. That's just my two cents anyway. Please comment on my deck!
Well, for the mainboard, I personally don't like the nested ghouls... they seem kinda weak for standard. I would add more call to the graves and zombie infestations instead. As for your sideboard, the only thing I see that would really benefit your deck in some situations since your running both doom blade and GFTT in main board would be Deathmark. If you wait until Innistrad is released though, there shoudl be some good cards in there for black since the set is based on working with the graveyard. GL!!!
I don't understand the point of Morphling in this deck. I would really consider adding some black into this deck, it would give you alot of removal as well as alot of great black blue mill cards like Glimpse the Unthinkable and Szadek, Lord of Secrets. Please comment on my deck!
You do NOT need 8 Ajani's in the deck, your hand will get flooded with them and it will not be pretty because of the legends rule. I would add some Oblivion Rings, Day of Judgements, or if you want more lifegain, Rest for the Weary. Please comment on my deck:
IMO, Hand of the Praetors is not a great card in standard. It's too slow. What you should DEFINITELLY have are 4 Blighted Agents. A MUST HAVE in this deck. Please comment on my deck:
Looks good! I've always been a fan of mill decks. The following comments are not considering the cost of the deck, so if you are on a budget I would keep the deck as it is, cause it looks good! - For removal, add 4 Condemn or Path to Exile to replace Divine Verdict's. - Tome Scour is a little weak in my opinion, I would add some card draw or scry, such as Preordain or Ponder. - For a sideboard, Surgical Extraction is a MUST if you don't want to be completely countered by the Eldrazi legends. Nihal Spellbomb is also an option that covers the same thing on a budget and lets you draw a card. - Jace, Memory Adept has a fetish for this deck XD - I would take out the creatures. I think some Mana Leak's, Counterspells, Doom Blade's, Go For the Throat's, or possibly some hand control such as Inquisition of Kozilek or Duress (just to name a few) would be more consistent cards for your deck that fit your goal. I LOVE mill and really hope that this deck succeeds. Best of luck to you!
Thanks for commenting on my Shrine deck! One thing that I can tell you right off the bat is that I found Corrupted Resolve to be rather inconsistent in the infect deck's I have built over the past couple of months. If you have a slow start, they end up sitting in your hand unable to be used. I would consider replacing them with Mana Leak's or splitting it 2 Mana Leak and 2 Corrupted Resolve. Just a personal opinion :) I would also consider Titanic Growth's somewhere in the deck, but IDK what you would take out. And don't forget the Inkmoth Nexus's! They are an auto playset in infect decks. Good luck!!!
Well made deck here! My only suggestion would be to take out the Taste of Blood's and add some Doom Blades. I think your deck's would still function fine without the extra damage cards, and the Doom Blades give you some straight up removal that I think would benefit your deck quite alot. Please comment on my Bloodthirst deck!
I would personally add an Emeria, the Sky Ruin into the deck, maybe two if your not afraid of drawing it in your starting hand. The bonus it gives when you have 7 Plains is ridiculous and will bring back your Knight Exemplar's if they are destroyed early, giving you a huge late game advantage. Since your Mono White, it seems like a good fit to me! Please comment on my deck!
I don't see Spawnshire getting too much use in this deck. It would free up your sideboard to put... more reliable things in. I think your deck wants as much mana ramp as possible, so I would add some Llanowar Elves because the synergy with Warcaller can make Llanowar useful later in the game. Please comment on my deck!
If you can get a hand on some older cards, I'm seeing Unmake, Vindicate and Mortify would be excellent removal for your deck. If you can get some of these cards, I would first remove Hedron Crab and Kor Cartographer to make room. It's not that they aren't good cards, but the deck's theme doesn't work too well for them IMO. Please comment on my deck!
I would add a couple of Day of Judgements just in case you get swarmed with creatures early, and I would change the Negates for Mana Leak's.
I don't like the Halimar Wavewatch and the Skywatcher Adept in this deck... it seems to me that there are many better deserving things to do with your mana than level them up. I would DEFINITELLY add 3 Angelic Destiny's to this deck, since it's gives your creatures evasion and a strong +4/+4 boost. I would also add 2 or 3 Day of Judgement's just in case you get swarmed early before you can level up. Once you clear the board, you will have enough mana to level up most of your creatures as soon as you play them. Of course, if your on a budget what you have works, but since this deck is labeled Tournament Quality, I am suggesting what I think is the strongest choices, not the cheapest ones. Good luck! Please comment on mine:
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