Perfect, I needed to have something that could deal with it if I fail to counter it (turn one drop if they are on the play). Thanks!
That's a good call, thanks! Changed that up.
I actually have a reason for keeping the Cancels and getting rid of the Dissipates: Surgical Extraction. Against control decks it is ridiculous (getting rid of their counterspells is awesome), but with Dissipate I cant use Surgical Extraction because the cards get exiled. Do you think through this reasoning the Cancels are worth it, or should I just put back the Dissipates?
No, it cannot. I honestly think that my matchup agaisnt red is tolerable to the point where I will win a higher % of the time. They cannot counter anything I play, and Spellskites stop them cold. They will have to waste their burn spells on the Spellskites before they can hit me, and I have 8 counterspells that I wouldn't even waste on their creatures (because of the mass amounts of fog I have), and with the card draw I am getting, I am sure I can counter pretty much anything they play (plus, Blunt the Assault is awesome if they decide to send everything since it gives me life). My sideboard is filled with red hate as well since that is the only deck I can see giving me problems at the moment.
Instead of life gain, I'm main boarding Spellskites. I'm stuck on what else to add in the side board though.
Duely noted that red burn will destroy me, I'm going to add some life gain in the main board. As with Jace, if I use Fog effects they can't touch him. Negate is a good idea as well, and have replaced the Cancels.
If you look at the description closely, it prevents all damage by non-werewolf creatures. It's essentially another Fog, unless they have werewolves which aren't that common in standard overall.
I would add Blightsteel Colossus, Infect Trampe 11/11 is gross and can't really be dealt with (minus O-Ring and the like).
IDK about the rites of flourishing cause it fuels my opponent, but beast within and dissapation field are both very good suggestions, thanks!
I really like it! IDK about the Rites of Flourishing though. It does give you extra draw, but your opponent will get its effect first, and since your deck doesnt have a whole lot to deal with your opponents creatures, I think cards that only make you draw would be more successful. This overall looks like a very fun deck to play with though! Good luck with it!
Good call, -1 Dissipate, +1 Vengeful Pharoah.
I've been heavily looking at the spoiler list (as I want to build a Werewolf Deck Wins deck XD) and, IMO, the Werewolves that are NOT worth playing right now would be Ironsmith and Shepherd. Even though they fit the tribe, you have to remember that you want to have alot of combat tricks in a deck like this, since the higher mana costs of these creatures (for an aggro deck) lets your opponent set their board up. You need to have a way to keep your wolves alive, while attacking early in HUMAN form, since you can't simply wait until later or you won't have an opening. My list involves card like Moonmist (a must 4 of in a Werewolf deck), Titanic and Mutagenic Growths, as well as 1 copy of Dungrove Elder and Boneyard Wurm to fetch for with GSZ late game. Ironsmith, even with First Strike, is too easy to kill with burn (and I see Red decks being a HUGE obsticle to overcome for this deck) and there are better plays on turn 2. Shepherd just doesn't do enough IMO. It is a good card, but there are still better 2 drops so far spoiled. I also am gonna try running 2 Sword of Body and Minds for some extra wolves (and +2/+2 helps) as well as Skinshifters for some early defense. Remember, you want to have as many wolves on the field as you can muster (without them dying), then you simply either attack and Moonmist when they block, or you pass your turn and let a mass amount of wolves transform. This deck needs to do some solid damage early (by turn 4) and then seal the deal once you have mana for combat tricks and Werewolf forms at your disposal. It will be a challenging deck to play with, as you have to be patient for your opening. Also, the idea above for for Adaptive Automations might actually work, but if more werewolves are spoiled (R/G Werewolf lord....????) they won't be needed, as they will be too clunky. Good Luck, fellow Innistradian!
The thing is, I'm trying to build the deck to withstand it's weaknesses. The primary weaknesses to this deck (in game 1) are counter spells and any board wiping ability. The Noxious Revivals are there to bring back cards that were countered and helps make the deck more consistant. If I stop drawing combo cards, I just recycle them. Cemetary Reapers just add more cards to draw into with Treasure Hunt and do not stop cards like Day of Judgement, Pyroclasm, and Slagstorm from clearing my board. It is also a 3 mana drop which in this deck is better spent on searching for my combo on turn 3 (or starting to set it up). I have tested the Cemetary Reapers in the past, but they almost always get in the way of Treasure Hunt and rarely are in my hand at the appropriate time. Also, the Elixer is a good idea and is run in Zombie Hunt deck's that ONLY RUN Infestation and Hunt, but with a deck with more cards to run into I am yet to mill myself (or even come close). I think the closest I have been to milling myself was 10 cards left on turn 12 (yes, this deck can hang in there until turn 12, and then win :P). I thank you guys for the suggestions, they are greatly appreciated!!! But these are things I have already tested before I started playing this in local tournaments.
IMO, you need more creatures. Your deck doesn't seem to have a consistent win condition besides wiping out your opponents lands, and you can only do that 4 times, so your opponent will eventually catch up. You can't do enough damage to win the game unless you draw Tezz. I would try to make it more consistant by adding some artifacts like Chimeric Mass that you wouldn't have to sacrifice with Smallpox. Please comment on my deck!
This looks like a casual deck, so some things that are budget that will help you: Oblivion Ring, Arachnus Web, Shriek Raptor, Giant Growth, Titanic Growth, Mutagenic Growth, and Contagion Engine. If you are willing to spend a little more money, go for some Day of Judgement's, which I believe are 10$ each. A budget version of Day of Judgement is Phyrexian Rebirth which goes for between 1$ and 2$. Also, even though it is a casual deck, try to trim it down to 60 cards. It will make it much more fun to play because you will essentially be drawing your best cards most of the time. Cards I would take out if you get some of the cards I listed above: Cystbearer, Pistus Strike (put it in the sideboard), and Choking Fumes for sure, then possibly the Blight Widows, Spinebiter and Core Prowler. And another thing, you have 4 Tine Shrikes in your sideboard... in casual they are deadly, put them in mainboard. And if you can ever get your hand on some equipment cards to increase the power of your creatures, they would help your deck immensly, no matter what you had to take out to add them in. Please comment on my deck, and good luck with yours!! Also, if you want an idea of what a Standard Infect deck looks like, take a look at mine below! This is a deck that fits my own tastes and is not the normal kind of Infect deck, but the theme is similar!
Again, I would consider Whispersilk Cloak. With a fast aggro deck it makes your creatures unable to be targetted by abilities, but if im correct the equipment you attached previously wont fall off so your in the clear!
Where are the Shrine of Burning Rage's?!?!?!? They are a MUST in a deck like this. Check out this deck: it utelizes both Loyal Legions and Burning Rage. Please comment as well to let me know what you think!
I would personally add a couple Whispersilk Cloak's in the mix to make a creature unblockable (mostly for the Sword effects). Otherwise this deck looks solid! Please comment on my deck!
You have no win condition. Pure and simple.
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