I think you want some more lands in this deck. 20 is not enough to cast your bigger creatures. I think Sprout is the weakest link in this deck, as well as Epic Struggle (if you have 20 creatures on the field you are going to win anyways). Add at least 3 more forests and take out Epic Struggle and 2 Sprouts.
I think with the mana ramp you have present with Battle Hymn, you would want Bonfire of the Damned in your deck as a 2 or 3 of. I would get rid of Thraben Doomsayer (too slow) or Entreat the Angels (too White intensive).
RDW!!! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=392560
WAAAAAAY too many forests. I would say 24 would be your best bet.
You need Dark Ritual. Turn 1 Torpor Orb and Juggernaught? YES PLEASE!
Holy crap, love the combo with Torpor Orb and Dreadnaught! For a sideboard I might add Anathermancer, really hits hard in legacy if I am not mistaken. GL with the deck!
Okay, I tested at FNM and this is what I found: I was stuck with useless hands far too often. Hitting Reforge the Soul was good in theory, but my opponents found too many answers that way, through their bomb, lands, counterspells, or things like O-Ring to get rid of my enchantments. I think G/U will give this deck the card draw boost it needs, while not taking too much of the original idea out and adding in the ever-powerful Snapcaster Mage to the mix. Here's the link if you wanna check it out! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=336316
Two words: PRECURSOR GOLEM! You need to find space for it!!!
ONE MORE THING: Where are you're Rush of Blood? It's insane in this deck.
Another thing I thought I'd add, instead of Lightning Mauler, whose haste will rarely be super relevent in this deck, why not Trusty Forcemage? Same converted mana cost but green and pumps for +1/+1. That way if your screwed for Red mana, your splash, you won't be in so much trouble. Just a thought :P
I really like the Blessings of Nature idea! In my personal opinion, I would run 8 1 mana ramping creatues to get a turn 2 Defiance out on the table, before it can be consistently countered by control and before red or black can get rid of your creatures as efficiently. Also, I was thinking of testing some Faithless Lootings for a little more card draw (if you find you're getting a hand of pumps and nothing else too often). It looks good man! Thanks for your faith in my deck, and I'm glad you like it too! Good luck if you happen to bring this to your next FNM!
Needs more lands, I\d go with atleast 23
Also Furor of the Bitten in Standard? Just run swords.
Green Sun's Zenith?
I personally wouldn't run the Blightsteel. It's way too inconsistent. I can see what your trying to do with the Shape Anew, but for that to work you need to base your deck around it (ive seen it done and it works really well, just splicers and Blightsteel and 4 Shape Anew lol). It looks like your deck wants to get the Blightsteel out the most since that is the biggest threat. I would try running the Blightsteel as your only artifact with 4 Shape Anew, the deck will meld together very well in that case. Overall I like the idea, good work!
I like your suggestion of Sheoldred, and I have added it in! I'm not too worried about tokens since those decks dont run a lot of removal so I think my matchup against them is strong enough as it is.
I just don't have room for it... and its 5CMC, which is a little too much for this deck. Good suggestion tho. it made me think pretty hard
Just an extra thought, I think the Inferno Titan's aren't gonna help your combo, while Solemn Simulacrum (if you get flooded with Heartless Summonings and have two of them out) becomes 1 mana for a land and a draw to find your combo if you have Havengul Lich. Running two of these just in case to have the chance to mill it to your graveyard and have that extra draw could help you, and it would also make having two Heartless Summonings in your hand not a complete buzzkill. The Inferno Titans are good, but for this deck you should centre around your combo and Inferno Titan is essentially a dead draw for your combo. Also, Ponder is better than Faithless Looting in this deck in my opinion because it lets you dig deeper and has the option to shuffle if you hit useless crap. Hope you found this useful!
Yea I see what you did here with the red, really cool! I'll have to change my deck up!
Heartless Summoning makes my creatures cost 2 less, so perilous myr is free and solem costs 2 with a HS out.
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