Nice deck man. I like this a lot. Check out my Plague of Extermination deck and post comments. God Bless!!!
Nice deck man. I like this idea. Check out my Plague of Extermination deck and post comments. God Bless!!!
I would take out the cards you don't need and put some of the better cards you do need in. Check out my Plague of Extermination deck and post comments. God Bless!!!
Looks vicious dude. I like that angel you have there. Check out my Plague of Extermination deck and post comments. God Bless!!!
Ok man this deck needs some help. That's why I'm here. This should be your deck with these cards you give. 20 Plains 4 Femerev Healer 4 Kitsune Palliator 1 Soul Shepherd 1 Ramosian Revivalist 3 Changeling Hero 2 Children of Korlis 3 Wall of Swords 4 Samite Healer 4 Holy Day 4 Healing Salve 3 Pollen Lullaby 3 Oblivion Ring 2 Loxodon Mistic That's what you need w/ these cards.
I have 10 cards that are blue.
If that is the case then you need Niv in here. Sweet dragon and good for this deck. Check out my Plague of Extermination deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
Yeah Pestermite isn't a really great card for this deck. Thanks man, it is really awesome you tried to give suggestions even though this isn't your battlefield. I really appreciate that.
I would put in a few Mind Twist. Looks good though. Check out my Plague of Extermination deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
Pretty Beasty dude. Check out my Plague of Extermination deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
Maybe Drowner of Secrets. Check out my Plague of Extermination deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I like it. Check out my Plague of Destruction deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I would take out 1 Island and put in something else. Check out my Plague of Destruction deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
Wow Ryan this is BEASTY I never thought you could do it. Check out my Plague of Extermination deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
You might want to put in some lands there bud. Lol Check out my Plague of Extermination deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
Looks pretty solid. I would put in a Coat of Arms. Check out my Plague of Extermination deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
Nice deck man. Really nice. Check out my Plague of Extermination deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I would put in a Blowfly Infestation for Necroskitter. Check out my Plague of Extermination deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I would maybe either put in a Coat of Arms or a Door of Destinies. Nice though. Check out my Plague of Extermination deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
What do you mean by does it beat fae. Anyways I've played elf decks with this and I win a lot. Not all the time, but more than I lose.
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