I would put in a few Mistblind. Check out my Monstrous Giants deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I like this deck. It is really thought out. Check out my Monstrous Giants deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I agree with Rhino56. Windborn Muse is an awesome card and it will work well with this deck. Can you tell me how you put the cards in your description and comments please. Check out my Monstrous Giants deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
Arcane Teachings is always an awesome card for Barbed Shocker. Also, there is Power of Fire(I think that's the card) from Shadowmoor. Check out my Monstrous Giants deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I would add a Mad Auntie. Nice deck though. Check out my Monstrous Giants deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I would add Goldmeadow Stalwart and Knight of Meadowgrain. Check out my Monstrous Giants deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I would take out the Carnariums and put in some Graven Cairns. Check out my Monstrous Giants deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I would definately take out 4 Plains. You only need 20 in a Kithkin deck. You should check out my Crazed Kithkin deck and see if you can get some ideas. Check out my Monstrous Giants deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
Nice deck. I don't really know what else you could put in. Check out my Monstrous Giants deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I would put in more of the creatures because you have like a 1 in 60 chance in drawing them. Check out my Monstrous Giants deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I like this. It has some nice def and is pretty cool. I bet it would be fun to play with. Check out my Monstrous Giants deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I like this. Nice to see this type of deck. Check out my Monstrous Giants deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I would probably add another Lim-Dul. Nice deck though. Check out my Monstrous Giants deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I like this. I was going to make a deck like this and have a few of the same cards in it as well. Check out my Monstrous Giants deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I like this. I have no suggestions on this except I would add a Mind Twist instead of Mind Shatter. Check out my Monstrous Giants deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I would add Test of Endurance. It will have you winning in no time. Check out my Monstrous Giants deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
I like the idea of this deck. I can't really suggest anything in this deck. Nice job Check out my Protected Annihilation deck and see if it needs anytthing. God Bless!!!
Love you bro. Check out my Protected Annihilation deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
Nice deck dude. I can't really suggest anything in this deck. Check out my Protected Annihilation deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
Nice Deck. I would consider more Crumbling Ashes. Check out my Protected Annihilation deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
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