Maybe Oracle of Nectars would be good for this deck. Check out my Crazed Kithkin deck and see if it needs anything. God Bless!!!
Nice deck. Check out my Gods Withering Deck and see if it needs anything.
Nice combos man. The artifacts the tatter, couldron idea is awesome. Check out my Gods Plague deck and see if it needs anything.
I have Spring Cleaning in here!!!
Sweet idea with Hateflayer and Arcane.
Sweet dude. I like your way of playing and you are really smart at making decks. I'm Rhino56's bro and you've commented a few of my decks as well as his. The deck name is Mill Deck Version 2 it's awesome and my bro plays against me with it and I don't really like it. LOL. Anyways just keep making decks and post some comments on my decks. God Bless!!! Check out my Gods Withering Deck and see if it needs anything.
Sweet deck. I like the combos. Check out my Gods Withering Deck and see if it needs anything.
Well once I have Grove and Evenings out then they can't touch my creatures, plus I need some more creatures.
Yeah I agree with Armagddon because you really only have one of each and if you are going against a counter deck then dude, your in some trouble. Well not really, but still you could replace it for something not as effective as those and still have at least 2 of the cards in there. Or maybe you could put 2 Hordes in and take Molimo out. Just my opinion. Check out my Gods Withering Deck and see if it needs anything.
Thanks Guys. This really helps!!!
I really can't see anything wrong with this deck. I mean I would probably put in some more creature control like Shock, Tarfire, or something that could knock out some of your opponents creatures with small mana costs. Thanks for the comments on my deck by the way, I really needed it. Check out my Gods Protection Deck and see if it needs anything.
Thanks dude I really needed help for this. I think that I will still keep it BU though because I just like it that way lol, but I really needed that help and maybe I could put in some counters for this deck. Thanks though.
Sweet Idea. Maybe you could put some Fire-Lit Thickets in there. They cost a lot, but they will also help a lot. Check out my Gods Plague deck and see if it needs anything.
Take out some of the cards you don't really need and try to knock it down to 60 cards. Having only 1 of something in a 106 card deck decreases the chance of you getting that card so drop some of the useless cards. Check out my Gods Midget deck and see if it needs anything.
Yo D, you need to have some more of the same creatures. Put in more Knight of Meadowgrain and take out Ballyrush Banneret. Also one of the best kithkin cards is Goldmeadow Stalwart, put some of those in.
Dude it is pretty sweet. Check out my Gods Plague Deck and see if it needs anything.
I like this deck. It is so beasty. Nice combo. Check out my Gods Protection and see if it needs anything.
I like it. It's pretty cool with the creatures like Quirion Dryad to be boosted up in a couple of turns. Check out my Gods Judgement deck and see if it needs anything.
This deck needs some type of winning condition. Maybe you could put in some burn cards like Sock, Tarfire, Incinerate, or something cheap. Check out my Gods Plague deck and see if it needs anything.
Nice fast-paced deck dude. Check out mt Gods Plague and see if it needs anything.
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