Thanks. Circle of Flame seems a little situational, but it might be a good fit for the SB if my meta is very aggro heavy. If I was going to swap it out for something, it would probably be for Nyx-Fleece Rams, which also do a pretty good job of clogging up the ground. The Rams are also handy if I run into any burn decks, but I haven't seen many of those lately.
Updated this deck quite a bit. Prognostic felt to slow. Full set of End Hostilities because the midrange matchup was so difficult. Stoke's mana cost seemed a little high for the effect because the deck is so creature light.
I think Sarkhan or Stormbreath are better than Keranos in a deck like this. Keranos seems to slow for a burn deck. If you are able to spend an entire turn casting a card with no immediate impact on the board and you win with this deck, you probably would have won anyway. I think Keranos is much better suited for control decks.
I know you have the Chief Engineer and Generator Servant, but I would be very hesitant to only run 18 lands. If you lose either to instant creature control, you might have a lot of dead cards in your hand. I'd suggest at least dropping the elixirs for 2 more lands. If you want artifacts, you could run Darksteel Citadels even.
I thought about it some more and decided to switch to Gruul to make the Generator Servant more useful. T3 hasted Ghor-Clan Rampager seems like a pretty good play for those hands when you don't have the Rabblemaster.
Mostly for the Rabblemaster, but it could be used for the Maaka at times. I'm still testing it though, so it may not be worth it.
It isn't that difficult to play once you get the hang of it. I'd suggest proxying the cards and play-testing it for a while to see if it suits you. You can use a website like the following to generate proxies pretty quickly, .
Hero of Iroas is also awesome with Pacifism and Holy Mantle. 1 mana pacifism is really good.
To add to this, Gods Willing can also be used to create surprise blockers using your bestowed creatures. For example, if Eidolon of Countless Battles is bestowed on something that just attacked your opponent, and your opponents swings thinking the board is open, you can Gods Willing whatever the Eidolon is bestowed on to make him fall off and block.
There are a lot of good white 3 drops. Brimaz, Loxodon Smiter, Banisher Priest, and Fiendslayer Paladin to name a few.
It seems a shame to not include Hypersonic Dragon in the deck somehow, but you already have 6 5 drops. Mutavault might be good to boost Scourge damage. Also, Twinflame would be a nice way to further trigger Scourge.
The plan is to actually draw my last card, discard my hand, and then cast psychic spiral during my opponents upkeep before they draw. Psychic Spiral should make them mill most if not all of their deck at that point.
-2 Unexpected Results+2 Ral ZarekGoing to FNM with both to see which I prefer.
I don't think there is much you can do about that. Another good spell to look into for the sideboard or possibly mainboard is Soul Tithe. A lot of your enchantments are creature specific, but Soul Tithe is similar to Oppressive Rays but works on any permanent.
It isn't a white spell, but Boros Charm would be nice in the sideboard for when you run up against Supreme Verdict and Anger of the Gods.
I'm not planning to ever hard cast it, but I'll throw a psychic spiral in the sideboard just in case.
Sideboard:-2 Revoke Existence+2 Deicide
-1 Psychic Spiral+1 IslandSideboard:-1 Opportunity+1 Psychic SpiralYou only need Spiral if your opponent has some sort of graveyard hate (Scavenging Ooze). Unexpected Results into Enter the Infinite is fine without it because you can discard 4 Worldspines into your library and then Riddle of Lightning your opponent to death.
-2 Agoraphobia+2 Turn // Burn
Sideboard:-2 Turn // Burn+2 Revoke Existence
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