Obviously, Mutavaults would be great but may be a little pricey depending on your budget. I'd also drop some of the 5+ mana slivers and add more Blur and Striking Slivers. A creature that costs 6 or 7 mana is going to be too late most of the time. Finally, I'd replace the Giant Growths with Ghor-Clan Rampagers, and the Shocks with Magma Jets or Mizzium's Mortars.
I'd drop some of the counterspells and replace them with Izzet Charms. Also, Melek is way too slow, and I'd suggest replacing him with Hypersonic Dragon.
Way too many sorceries and not enough creatures. I'd suggest looking at BTE's, Kalonian Tuskers, Witchstalkers, Flame-wreathed Phoenix, and/or Chandra Phoenix.
Good thoughts. I was thinking Skullcrack for when you are up against control, but you are probably correct with your deck's current configuration. If you tried to go for more DD that could potentially be used against the player, the extra DD and Skullcrack might help give you an edge over other control decks because they are just as happy to stall the game out as you are. It would also allow you to target your sideboard against other control decks or Boros Aggro decks by converting your deck to more of a Boros Aggro deck in those matchups.Another card that would help against Control without changing things much is Counterflux.
This is obviously going to draw a lot of comparisons to Esper control, and I wonder if the DD from red is as good as doom blade and thought seize. It seems that a big advantage of DD is that it allows you to target the player for a faster win; however, the DD you are currently packing is not very effective for that purpose. Maybe throw in syncopate to help out more in the early game, and then run more powerful DD like more Warleader's? Or a couple Chandra's Phoenix might even work since you can return it to your hand after Supreme Verdicting.Also, side-boarding Skullcracks might be a good idea.
True, but with only 2 Heros in the deck, it probably isn't worth it considering how much you can potentially get out of Reap. Also, Reap allows you to spread the love a little, which is important in this type of deck because creature control can put you way behind if you put all your eggs in one basket.Another nice card to consider is Warrior's Lesson. When you are enchanting creatures left and right, you hand is going to get empty pretty fast, so it would be nice to have a little draw in the deck. Worst case scenario, you still get 2 heroic activations for 1 mana.
I would definitely mainboard Reap What is Sown over Feral Invocation. It is the same cost for more boost and more targets. I'd also consider running 3 Hero's and 3 Phalanx Leaders because the 2 white may make it difficult to cast the Phalanx Leader consistently. Finally, Indestructible has a pretty high casting cost and you are only running 20 lands, so I'd suggest replacing the Indestructible with Seleysna Charms or Brave the Elements/Gods Willing.
Thanks for the great suggestion. I put in 6, which hopefully is enough for something that costs 5 mana.
-4 Deputy of Acquittals+2 God-favored General+2 Imposing Sovereign
Maybe a couple devour flesh, at least in the sideboard, would be good for hexproof and pro-black creatures?
I don't ever plan to play Legacy and Domri is freaking expensive, so I didn't feel too bad about parting with the Wasteland :). I'm finding it impossible to part with my Force of Wills though. I bought them for like $30 a piece about 15 years ago, which was a lot for a college student. I'll probably be buried with them...I kind of like Xenawalker because of the X creatures (Mistcutter & Savageborn), and I want them to come out BIG. I also find the Xenagod to be a little redundant with the Prophet, since she allows you to flash things in at their end of their turn to simulate haste.Xenagod would make for some big pump though ;). I could put him in for the Scavenging maybe, but then I think there would be too many Gods/PW in the deck since I'm already pushing the limit on those.
I actually have all the cards necessary for this deck, which I mostly obtained by cracking packs and trading a bunch of my old cards (found a mint Wasteland and some other fun Tempest cards in my old shoe box). I have a more competitive version that I am actually planning to make, http://www.mtgvault.com/traslin/decks/hydra-raid/ that is a little less expensive, but I threw this version together for fun.
Thanks for the heads up on the tag. I had tried Ceta but didn't think to try RUG. Domri is pretty essential because he gives you tons of draw, so you want him on the board as much as possible, especially considering that half the deck is creatures. Plus, people are going to be quick to exile or destroy him if they can. Also, you can use his -2 ability for a couple turns if you need to and then recast a fresh one.Most of the Gruul/Jund Monsters decks I have seen run 4 Domri's and 4 Polukranos, even though they are both legendary. I was hesitant at first, but I think it is definitely worth it for Domri.
+3 Path of Bravery +2 Archangel of Thune -2 Spear of Heliod -1 Frontline Medic -2 Imposing Sovereign
Perhaps too many monsters in this deck :). Most of the G/R monster decks I've seen shoot for 8 (usually 4 Polukranus and 4 Stormbreath), but you have 11, which might result in your having too many monsters in your hand at times. Also, I'd probably do 3 Domri and 1 Garruk.
That seems like quite a gamble on Aqueous since you are only running 4 blue lands. I'd suggest replacing the Aqueous with Legion Loyalists, which are a little pricey but always useful. Hell, if you want a cheaper option, it would probably be worth it to just run shocks in place of the Aqueous since you won't be able to cast Aqueous most of the time.
I have a similar deck, http://www.mtgvault.com/traslin/decks/aqueous-weeniegro/. One big recommendation is hidden strings, especially if you put some more heroic in the deck. It is ridiculous how much mileage you can get out of hidden strings with all the unblockable you are running, and it pays for itself by allowing you to untap your lands and cast one or two more enchantments on your Ace.I'd also suggest replacing Stratus Walk with Gift of Orzhova. It wins games.
The Burning Trees help the Reverent Hunters become a lot more useful. I'd probably go with 4 BTE's and 3 Reverent Hunters though since the Hunters aren't very good if you don't get the BTE's to boost them early.
4 Aetherlings is a bit much. I'd replace some or all of them with Heliod and Elspeth, both of which can activate Ephara's ability. Also, why are you using Cancel instead of Render Silent or just Negate, and 4 additional Cancels over the 4 Dissolves is probably too much. I'd recommend replacing some of the counterspells with Azorius Charms, great for early creature control and really slows down the tempo of your opponent.4 revoke existence is also probably too much. I might mainboard 2 and sideboard the other 2. You also might want to consider Dawn to Dusk, which isn't quite at good for removal since it destroys instead of exiles but it has the added benefit of getting enchantments from your graveyard (detention sphere, ephara, etc.)Finally, I'm not sure about Daxos and the Judge's Familiar with the 4 Supreme Verdicts. Maybe just the Daxos since he could be pretty useful late game after clearing the board, and I'd recommend replacing the Judges with Arrest/Pacifism/Agoraphobia to make the deck more controlly. Especially if you added Azorius charms as I recommended above to help you with the early aggro creatures.I made a similar deck if you want to take a look, http://www.mtgvault.com/traslin/decks/token-queen/
Nylea isn't always going to come out and people will be running plenty of cards to exile her, but yes, she does reduce the need for trample creatures. None of your other creatures have trample, so Scourge might be a nice backup plan for a win when Nylea isn't on the board. 4 Reverent Hunters is a lot considering that devotion can be fickle, so he might be a good candidate to take out a couple to add 2 Scourge's in so that your deck is more flexible. The Hunter is very situational because if you get the Hunter early, you don't have the devotion to make him worth casting, and if you get the Hunter late, you might as well cast a Polukronas or a Kalonian since you will have plenty of mana. One situation I can see him being worth casting late game, is so that you can feed him to the Scourge and have a giant trampler ;).
41-60 of 72 items