Hey Northy. Sorry to advertise, but not even a fraction of the people view my decks as yours =)And I'd hate to advertise on your more popular decks, so I chose this lesser-known deck of yours to do it:http://www.mtgvault.com/tleung84633/decks/control-your-bouncing-breasts/Just wondering if you had any advice. The deck cost can be cut by more than half if it's just basic lands...As always, thanks! And keep those budget decks coming! I like your new EDH ones (since I notice you normally make normal 60s). ;-)
So what do you guys think? Any extra advice for more synergy would be great! The sideboard has some expensive cards so you can make replacements if you want it more budget. Same with the lands. Cut them for basic lands and you save $50+.
Thanks to the few people who liked and commented on this deck. After several tournaments at channel fireball and my local comic book store, I must admit that changing it from orzhov to esper was not the right move. Before I go changing it back to orzhov, I will try dimir first. Thanks for all the support everyone!
Great idea KalebsBane, but unfortunately, Path of Bravery isn't standard legal anymore. But yeah, it would be great in this deck.
Hey thanks for the compliment! So far it's been doing well at channel fireball modern tournaments. Weak to burn and urzatron though.
Hi Jessie. Been a while - busy working on this deck --> http://www.mtgvault.com/tleung84633/decks/esper-pox-think-about-it/Sorry to advertise, so I chose to post this on one of your lesser-famous decks. Just hoping to get your advice on it. It's most definitely not budget =(
Thanks for the compliment! I put the links to some of my other smallpox decks (they are cheaper). In any case, I'll try to give you some strategies for using smallpox:1) Lose 1 life (big deal, they lose 1 life too),2) Sacrifice a creature (Bloodghast, Gravecrawler, and Geralf's Messenger don't mind hitting the graveyard cause they come back),3) Sacrifice a land (Flagstones of Trokair replaces itself with a Godless Shrine) and if Bloodghast is in the graveyard, the landfall will trigger and bloodghast will come out for free!,4) Discard a card (Bloodghast, Gravecrawler, and Lingering Souls can be played from the graveyard), or you can discard a land card if you are mana-flooded (or a thoughtseize or inquisition if they aren't needed at the time).So ideally, you will slow them WAY down by killing their creature, land, and card. ;-)
Hey guys, whatcha think? Sorry again about the price. Besides, that, I am still wondering if I should cut 1 of the Sorin's for another Liliana...
Another great deck Northy (I'm getting tired of saying that hahah). Wondering if you could comment on a new deck:http://www.mtgvault.com/tleung84633/decks/esper-pox-think-about-it/Sorry to advertise, but I don't get many comments/advice.Regarding this deck of yours, I like it cause your opponents won't see it coming...any of it. The discard combo, very strong creatures equal to life total or creature toughness, etc. Also have good defenders for protection and also card draw with the visionary. if you want to combine them, I'd suggest wall of blossoms. A defender for protection (out of shock and bolt range) and also has card draw. I like it better than the visionary just cause of the toughness. Still a 2-drop. =)
I understand. Still though, I'm glad this is a home-brew rather than a net deck of artifact affinity for super aggro. And I really don't think he needed to say a lot of stuff, such as "this deck sucks" - oh that's a helpful tone....
Keep in mind this is a BUDGET deck. You want aggro? A single goblin guide costs TWICE as much as the entire deck. If you don't like budget, what are you still doing on this site? 516 posts. By now you should have gotten the idea to search on other sites. Hokey, Northy, don't pay any attention to this guy. We all don't have rich boy decks like him.
+1, only comment I can make is....I don't know how you do it with these budget decks. Yet another great job! =)
Hello again, last week I was at channel fireball and got exposed to "hate bears", a.k.a. death and taxes, which is a modern deck format that reminds me of this deck. It runs Thalia, as Phyrexian Possum suggested earlier, leonin arbiter (so they blow up your mana base with ghost quarter and tectonic edge), just to name a few. Yes, hate bears is a modern deck and this is legacy/vintage, but I just wanted to let you know what else is currently "out there" so to speak. Keep up the good work posting decks! =)
Most definitely a +1 from me. I proxy-ed your deck to see how it works and played it a lot at my local comic book store. I understand all of the general mechanics, but my only question is how aggressively do you mull? Being a combo-like deck, sometimes I noticed it's difficult to get all of the pieces, and so I pray and hope for the hive mind/pact alternate win-con to come asap while I'm still alive. And because the deck relies on combos, I figured mulling will only reduce the chances of drawing the cards I need. So how often do you mull and how aggressively?Other than that, you seriously have a great deck here. It's beaten artifact affinity, hate bears, 8-rack, traft, and pod so far. I'll keep you posted on how it does against jund, junk, grixis, delver, etc.
I have to agree. Spellbombs are only good when they actually HAVE a graveyard, and by that time, you should already have your combo out. So you probably don't want card draw at that time (~midgame). Good choice for the crypts.
Very nice deck man. I see 8-rack being used a lot in the channel fireball tournaments that I go to, but most of the times they splash in red. Seeing mono-black with a great mix of discard with creatures is nice! +1 man!
Very very nice. =) Another +1 from me. Because you have gray merchant, I WAS going to suggest phyrexian obliterator but a single one would double the cost of your deck, so I guess he's out. What about Master of the Feast or phylactery lich (with some vault of whispers since you'll need them for the lich counter). Anyway, another very nice deck man.
I agree. Coat of Arms or Door of Destinies...
Oops! Didn't notice the swiftfoot boots! Great! Lightning Greaves can also be used. Slightly more expensive and it has shroud instead of hexproof, but I don't see you targeting the hero. Plus it has a zero equip cost...
Nice tribal deck. I noticed it's a little high on the mana curve. I know you have Kodama's Reach, but I'd suggest taking out some Prey Upon and terrifying Presence for some forests...or Khalni Garden or Oran Reifwood to help out. Still, nice deck! +1
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