Quick FYI- The Snow-Covered Swamps are intended to be regular Swamps, but MTGVault didn't have any regular swamp options to pick.
Thats what I was thinking also, that there was at least a few things missing, but but I could'nt recall what those cards might be, but yes i agree, theres a lot of sb options out there as well, so i'll have to see what works, ty also!
To= Northernwarlord- Would you be able to maybe put together a u/w spirit tribal deck, with Geist of Saint Traft as the commander? Just curious,cuz that would be sweet, thanks!
Some cards will be changing, since it will be turning into more of a mono-blue mill deck, any ideas for cards that could be added?
Since the deck is still in testing, etc, It will probably be Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, or something else, once I find the best way to play the deck, since it is a homebrew, etc
I have seen lists where he is included in it, but I only currently have 1 copy of him at hand, but I'd like to try him out also to see how well it might work in the deck
Thank you! Glad it helped! I'm probably going to switch out the send to sleeps for fiery impulses, or wild slashesglad it helped you!
Cool, but this is actually a netdeck, I re-posted , but I was going to see what people thought, before I made some of my own changes, etc. I also don't really plan on using this deck to play at any tournaments with, since I usually only play 2-3 color control decks, such as my u/b control deck, or the u/w control, so this deck is really only posted for shiggles, but playtesting it on untap.beta , it is fun to play around with, etc.
The SB cards are ideas, so plz comment, and discuss those, I really like the ide of trying out the dragonmaster outcasts, since I've seen my meta use them a lot, and they would be great to have out creating 5/5s w/flying, while I keep burning them with spells, til I fly in with 5/5s, any ideas????
The valorous stances can also be swapped for dragon fodders for the extra power on the board, or even hordeling outburst for even more power, but the stances seem to work better for my current meta, with a LOT of dragons and large creatures getting cast when I never need them to, (depending on how my current board state is), or even roasts, etc.
Well, its not fully completed, but soon will, be, since i am also finishing u/b control as well, but i'll probably finish this deck before the u/b, since i only need about 5 cards to complete this deck. So once I complete it, and play some games with it, i will know how well it works, etc. Also, most of my meta, in my area is jeskai black, g/w morph, atarka red (which is gonna pay for all its done, lol, i like atarka red, but it gets old sometimes), and a few other current variants. So reports of games will be coming soon!
I'll have to try those out!
I was thinking of possibly using the new Gideon Ally of Zendikar or the Jace, Vryn's Prodigy in place of the Mastery of The Unseen, any ideas?
I will most likely switching a few things out to see what might work better for a few cards, to finalize a build, any ideas?
I added the Exquisite Firecraft, (mainly since I do not have all 4 of the digs), but also to test out how fun it would be to copy them, and not have them be countered, since the spell mastery would probably be already activated from previous spells cast.
Added a sideboard, let me know what you think! ( I am making this to be my backup FNM deck, just in case I am borrowing cards out of my main deck)
I almost want to add collected company into this deck, just to see how much fun it would be to get out creatures, but, it would just be a couple test games for that idea.
Thats gonna piss me off as well, lol, too bad we wont really have elvish mystic, since its basically leaf gilder and whisperer of the wilds, which will cost 2......meh
Sure, I got this list off a site, so yeah, you could probably toss it in for something, or sideboard it in
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